Pipelines API | Ignite Documentation

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Pipelines API

Apache Ignite ML standardizes APIs for machine learning algorithms to make it easier to combine multiple algorithms into a single pipeline, or workflow. This section covers the key concepts introduced by the Pipelines API, where the pipeline concept is mostly inspired by the scikit-learn and Apache Spark projects.

  • Preprocessor Model - This is an algorithm which can transform one DataSet into another DataSet.

  • Preprocessor Trainer- This is an algorithm which can be fit on a DataSet to produce a PreprocessorModel.

  • Pipeline - A Pipeline chains multiple Trainers and Preprocessors together to specify an ML workflow.

  • Parameter - All ML Trainers and Preprocessor Trainers now share a common API for specifying parameters.

The Pipeline API is experimental and could be changed in the next releases.

The Pipeline could replace the pieces of code with .fit() method calls as in the next examples:

final Vectorizer<Integer, Vector, Integer, Double> vectorizer = new DummyVectorizer<Integer>(0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10).labeled(1);

TrainTestSplit<Integer, Vector> split = new TrainTestDatasetSplitter<Integer, Vector>()

Preprocessor<Integer, Vector> imputingPreprocessor = new ImputerTrainer<Integer, Vector>()

Preprocessor<Integer, Vector> minMaxScalerPreprocessor = new MinMaxScalerTrainer<Integer, Vector>()

Preprocessor<Integer, Vector> normalizationPreprocessor = new NormalizationTrainer<Integer, Vector>()

// Tune hyper-parameters with K-fold Cross-Validation on the split training set.

DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer trainerCV = new DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer();

CrossValidation<DecisionTreeModel, Integer, Vector> scoreCalculator = new CrossValidation<>();

ParamGrid paramGrid = new ParamGrid()
  .addHyperParam("maxDeep", trainerCV::withMaxDeep, new Double[] {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 10.0})
  .addHyperParam("minImpurityDecrease", trainerCV::withMinImpurityDecrease, new Double[] {0.0, 0.25, 0.5});


CrossValidationResult crossValidationRes = scoreCalculator.tuneHyperParameters();
final Vectorizer<Integer, Vector, Integer, Double> vectorizer = new DummyVectorizer<Integer>(0, 4, 5, 6, 8).labeled(1);

TrainTestSplit<Integer, Vector> split = new TrainTestDatasetSplitter<Integer, Vector>()

DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer trainerCV = new DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer();

Pipeline<Integer, Vector, Integer, Double> pipeline = new Pipeline<Integer, Vector, Integer, Double>()
  .addPreprocessingTrainer(new ImputerTrainer<Integer, Vector>())
  .addPreprocessingTrainer(new MinMaxScalerTrainer<Integer, Vector>())

CrossValidation<DecisionTreeModel, Integer, Vector> scoreCalculator = new CrossValidation<>();

ParamGrid paramGrid = new ParamGrid()
  .addHyperParam("maxDeep", trainer::withMaxDeep, new Double[] {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 10.0})
  .addHyperParam("minImpurityDecrease", trainer::withMinImpurityDecrease, new Double[] {0.0, 0.25, 0.5});


CrossValidationResult crossValidationRes = scoreCalculator.tuneHyperParameters();

The full code could be found in the Titanic tutorial.