Twitter Streamer
Ignite Twitter Streamer module consumes tweets from Twitter and feeds the transformed key-value pairs <tweetId, text>
into Ignite.
To stream data from Twitter into Ignite, you need to:
Import Ignite Twitter Module with Maven and replace
with the actual Ignite Twitter Extension version you are interested in.<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.ignite</groupId> <artifactId>ignite-twitter-ext</artifactId> <version>${ignite-twitter-ext.version}</version> </dependency>
In your code, set the necessary parameters and start the streamer, like so:
IgniteDataStreamer dataStreamer = ignite.dataStreamer("myCache"); dataStreamer.allowOverwrite(true); dataStreamer.autoFlushFrequency(10); OAuthSettings oAuthSettings = new OAuthSettings("setting1", "setting2", "setting3", "setting4"); TwitterStreamer<Integer, String> streamer = new TwitterStreamer<>(oAuthSettings); streamer.setIgnite(ignite); streamer.setStreamer(dataStreamer); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("track", "apache, twitter"); params.put("follow", "3004445758"); streamer.setApiParams(params);// Twitter Streaming API params. streamer.setEndpointUrl(endpointUrl);// Twitter streaming API endpoint. streamer.setThreadsCount(8); streamer.start();
Refer to Twitter streaming API documentation for more information on various streaming parameters.
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