DDL Generator
One of the benefits of the Ignite Cassandra integration is that you don’t need to care about Cassandra DDL syntax for table creation and Java to Cassandra type mapping details.
You just need to create an XML configuration which specifies how Ignite cache keys and values should be serialized/deserialized to/from Cassandra. Based on this settings all the absent Cassandra keyspaces and tables will be created automatically. The only requirement for all this "magic" to work:
=== In connection settings for Cassandra, you should specify user having enough permissions to create keyspaces/tables |
However, for some of the deployments it’s not possible because of a very strict security policy. Thus the only solution in a such situation is to provide DDL scripts for DevOps team to create all the necessary Cassandra keyspaces/tables in advance.
That’s the exact use-case for DDL generator utility that generates DDLs from PersistenceSettingsBean settings.
Below is a sample syntax for the Cassandra DDL generation:
java org.apache.ignite.cache.store.cassandra.utils.DDLGenerator /opt/dev/ignite/persistence-settings-1.xml /opt/dev/ignite/persistence-settings-2.xml
The generated DDL can look as follows:
DDL for keyspace/table from file: /opt/dev/ignite/persistence-settings-1.xml
create keyspace if not exists test1
with replication = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3} and durable_writes = true;
create table if not exists test1.primitive_test1
key int,
value int,
primary key ((key))
DDL for keyspace/table from file: /opt/dev/ignite/persistence-settings-2.xml
create keyspace if not exists test1
with REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3} AND DURABLE_WRITES = true;
create table if not exists test1.pojo_test3
company text,
department text,
number int,
first_name text,
last_name text,
age int,
married boolean,
height bigint,
weight float,
birth_date timestamp,
phones blob,
primary key ((company, department), number)
with comment = 'A most excellent and useful table' AND read_repair_chance = 0.2 and clustering order by (number desc);
Just don’t forget to set the CLASSPATH
environment variable correctly:
Include the jar file for Ignite Cassandra module (
) in yourCLASSPATH
. -
If you are using
persistence strategy for some of your custom java classes you need to include jars with these classes in your CLASSPATH as well.
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