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Custom Metrics

This feature is experimental and may change in future releases.

Ignite provides various internal metrics. However, these metrics might not be enough. Users can design and publish their own custom metrics. Custom Metrics are based on Metric System.


Custom Metrics are local and are bound only to the local node.

Custom metric creation.

To register a custom metric, you need to add a new registry first. After that, metrics can be added to this registry.

Custom metric registry.

You can create custom metric registries via the IgniteMetrics interface which is obtained by Ignite.metrics().

IgniteMetric interface has the following methods:

  • MetricRegistry getOrCreate(String registryName) provides a new or existing custom metric registry.

  • void remove(String registryName) removes the entire custom metric registry.

Custom metric creation.

To register a new custom metric, use the MetricRegistry interface which is obtained by IgniteMetrics.getOrCreate(…​).

MetricRegistry has several methods to add or remove metrics like:

  • void register(String metricName, IntSupplier valueSupplier, @Nullable String description); registers an integer-value metric.

  • void register(String metricName, DoubleSupplier valueSupplier, @Nullable String description); registers a double-value metric.

  • void remove(String name); removes a metric.

Naming convention.

Names of the custom metrics (and its registries) are similar to the names of internal metrics. The name can have dot-separated parts like 'process.status.suspended'.

Prefix 'custom.' is always added to the custom registry name in IgniteMetrics. For instance, if the passed registry name is 'process.status.suspended', it is automatically extended to 'custom.process.status.suspended'.


  • It is impossible to affect the internal metrics.

  • Custom metrics are registered on-demand and aren’t persistent. After a node restarts, they have to be registered anew.

  • Configuration of a custom metric isn’t supported.

  • The names must not be empty and cannot have spaces or empty dot-separated parts.