Cluster ID and Tag | Ignite Documentation

Ignite Summit 2025 — February 25 — Join virtually! 


Cluster ID and Tag

A cluster ID is a unique identifier of the cluster that is generated automatically when the cluster starts for the first time. A cluster tag is a user friendly name that you can assign to your cluster. You can use these values to identify your cluster in the monitoring system you use.

The default cluster tag is generated automatically, but you can change it using one of the available methods. The length of the tag is limited by 280 characters.

You can use the following methods to view the cluster ID and view or change the cluster tag:

  • Via the control script.

  • JMX Bean:

    Attribute Type Description



    The cluster ID.



    The cluster tag.

    Operation Description


    Set the new cluster tag.

  • Programmatically:

     Ignite ignite = Ignition.start();
     // get the cluster id
    java.util.UUID clusterId = ignite.cluster().id();
    // change the cluster tag