boolean |
IgniteQueue.add(T item) |
boolean |
IgniteSet.add(T t) |
boolean |
IgniteQueue.addAll(Collection<? extends T> items) |
boolean |
IgniteSet.addAll(Collection<? extends T> c) |
long |
IgniteAtomicLong.addAndGet(long l) |
Adds l and gets current value of atomic long.
long |
IgniteAtomicSequence.addAndGet(long l) |
Adds l elements to atomic sequence and gets value of atomic sequence.
<R> R |
IgniteCompute.affinityCall(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
int partId,
IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job on the node where partition is located (the partition is primary on the node)
<R> R |
IgniteCompute.affinityCall(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
Object affKey,
IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
<R> R |
IgniteCompute.affinityCall(String cacheName,
Object affKey,
IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
<R> R |
IgniteQueue.affinityCall(IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job on collocated queue on the node where the queue is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
<R> R |
IgniteSet.affinityCall(IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job on collocated set on the node where the set is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
<R> IgniteFuture<R> |
IgniteCompute.affinityCallAsync(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
int partId,
IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job asynchronously on the node where partition is located (the partition is primary on the node)
The data of the partition will not be migrated from the target node
while the job is executed.
<R> IgniteFuture<R> |
IgniteCompute.affinityCallAsync(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
Object affKey,
IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job asynchronously on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
<R> IgniteFuture<R> |
IgniteCompute.affinityCallAsync(String cacheName,
Object affKey,
IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job asynchronously on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
void |
IgniteCompute.affinityRun(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
int partId,
IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job on the node where partition is located (the partition is primary on the node)
void |
IgniteCompute.affinityRun(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
Object affKey,
IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
void |
IgniteCompute.affinityRun(String cacheName,
Object affKey,
IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
void |
IgniteQueue.affinityRun(IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job on collocated queue on the node where the queue is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
void |
IgniteSet.affinityRun(IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job on collocated set on the node where the set is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
IgniteFuture<Void> |
IgniteCompute.affinityRunAsync(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
int partId,
IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job asynchronously on the node where partition is located (the partition is primary on the node)
The data of the partition will not be migrated from the target node
while the job is executed.
IgniteFuture<Void> |
IgniteCompute.affinityRunAsync(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
Object affKey,
IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job asynchronously on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
IgniteFuture<Void> |
IgniteCompute.affinityRunAsync(String cacheName,
Object affKey,
IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job asynchronously on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
<T,R> Collection<R> |
IgniteCompute.apply(IgniteClosure<T,R> job,
Collection<? extends T> args) |
Executes provided closure job on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<R,T> R |
IgniteCompute.apply(IgniteClosure<T,R> job,
T arg) |
Executes provided closure job on a node within the underlying cluster group.
<R1,R2,T> R2 |
IgniteCompute.apply(IgniteClosure<T,R1> job,
Collection<? extends T> args,
IgniteReducer<R1,R2> rdc) |
Executes provided closure job on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<T,R> IgniteFuture<Collection<R>> |
IgniteCompute.applyAsync(IgniteClosure<T,R> job,
Collection<? extends T> args) |
Executes provided closure job asynchronously on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<R,T> IgniteFuture<R> |
IgniteCompute.applyAsync(IgniteClosure<T,R> job,
T arg) |
Executes provided closure job asynchronously on a node within the underlying cluster group.
<R1,R2,T> IgniteFuture<R2> |
IgniteCompute.applyAsync(IgniteClosure<T,R1> job,
Collection<? extends T> args,
IgniteReducer<R1,R2> rdc) |
Executes provided closure job asynchronously on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
IgniteAtomicLong |
Ignite.atomicLong(String name,
long initVal,
boolean create) |
Will get a atomic long from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
IgniteAtomicLong |
Ignite.atomicLong(String name,
AtomicConfiguration cfg,
long initVal,
boolean create) |
Will get a atomic long from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
IgniteAtomicLong |
IgniteSpringBean.atomicLong(String name,
AtomicConfiguration cfg,
long initVal,
boolean create) |
Will get a atomic long from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
<T> IgniteAtomicReference<T> |
Ignite.atomicReference(String name,
AtomicConfiguration cfg,
T initVal,
boolean create) |
Will get a atomic reference from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
<T> IgniteAtomicReference<T> |
Ignite.atomicReference(String name,
T initVal,
boolean create) |
Will get a atomic reference from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
<T> IgniteAtomicReference<T> |
IgniteSpringBean.atomicReference(String name,
AtomicConfiguration cfg,
T initVal,
boolean create) |
Will get a atomic reference from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
IgniteAtomicSequence |
Ignite.atomicSequence(String name,
long initVal,
boolean create) |
Will get an atomic sequence from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
IgniteAtomicSequence |
Ignite.atomicSequence(String name,
AtomicConfiguration cfg,
long initVal,
boolean create) |
Will get an atomic sequence from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
IgniteAtomicSequence |
IgniteSpringBean.atomicSequence(String name,
AtomicConfiguration cfg,
long initVal,
boolean create) |
Will get an atomic sequence from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
<T,S> IgniteAtomicStamped<T,S> |
Ignite.atomicStamped(String name,
AtomicConfiguration cfg,
T initVal,
S initStamp,
boolean create) |
Will get a atomic stamped from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
<T,S> IgniteAtomicStamped<T,S> |
Ignite.atomicStamped(String name,
T initVal,
S initStamp,
boolean create) |
Will get a atomic stamped from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
<T,S> IgniteAtomicStamped<T,S> |
IgniteSpringBean.atomicStamped(String name,
AtomicConfiguration cfg,
T initVal,
S initStamp,
boolean create) |
Will get a atomic stamped from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and create flag
is true .
void |
IgniteCondition.await() |
Causes the current thread to wait until it is signalled or
boolean |
IgniteCondition.await(long time,
TimeUnit unit) |
Causes the current thread to wait until it is signalled or interrupted,
or the specified waiting time elapses.
void |
IgniteCountDownLatch.await() |
Causes the current thread to wait until the latch has counted down to
zero, unless current thread is interrupted.
boolean |
IgniteCountDownLatch.await(long timeout) |
Causes the current thread to wait until the latch has counted down to
zero, unless the thread is interrupted, or the specified waiting time elapses.
boolean |
IgniteCountDownLatch.await(long timeout,
TimeUnit unit) |
Causes the current thread to wait until the latch has counted down to
zero, unless the thread is interrupted, or the specified waiting time elapses.
long |
IgniteCondition.awaitNanos(long nanosTimeout) |
Causes the current thread to wait until it is signalled or interrupted,
or the specified waiting time elapses.
void |
IgniteCondition.awaitUninterruptibly() |
Causes the current thread to wait until it is signalled.
boolean |
IgniteCondition.awaitUntil(Date deadline) |
Causes the current thread to wait until it is signalled or interrupted,
or the specified deadline elapses.
void |
IgniteCluster.baselineAutoAdjustEnabled(boolean baselineAutoAdjustEnabled) |
void |
IgniteCluster.baselineAutoAdjustTimeout(long baselineAutoAdjustTimeout) |
<R> Collection<R> |
IgniteCompute.broadcast(IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Broadcasts given job to all nodes in cluster group.
<R,T> Collection<R> |
IgniteCompute.broadcast(IgniteClosure<T,R> job,
T arg) |
Broadcasts given closure job with passed in argument to all nodes in the cluster group.
void |
IgniteCompute.broadcast(IgniteRunnable job) |
Broadcasts given job to all nodes in the cluster group.
<R> IgniteFuture<Collection<R>> |
IgniteCompute.broadcastAsync(IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Broadcasts given job asynchronously to all nodes in cluster group.
<R,T> IgniteFuture<Collection<R>> |
IgniteCompute.broadcastAsync(IgniteClosure<T,R> job,
T arg) |
Broadcasts given closure job asynchronously with passed in argument to all nodes in the cluster group.
IgniteFuture<Void> |
IgniteCompute.broadcastAsync(IgniteRunnable job) |
Broadcasts given job asynchronously to all nodes in the cluster group.
<R> Collection<R> |<? extends IgniteCallable<R>> jobs) |
Executes collection of jobs on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<R1,R2> R2 |<? extends IgniteCallable<R1>> jobs,
IgniteReducer<R1,R2> rdc) |
Executes collection of jobs on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<R> R |<R> job) |
Executes provided job on a node within the underlying cluster group.
<R> IgniteFuture<Collection<R>> |
IgniteCompute.callAsync(Collection<? extends IgniteCallable<R>> jobs) |
Executes collection of jobs asynchronously on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<R1,R2> IgniteFuture<R2> |
IgniteCompute.callAsync(Collection<? extends IgniteCallable<R1>> jobs,
IgniteReducer<R1,R2> rdc) |
Executes collection of jobs asynchronously on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<R> IgniteFuture<R> |
IgniteCompute.callAsync(IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes provided job asynchronously on a node within the underlying cluster group.
void |
IgniteServices.cancel(String name) |
Cancels service deployment.
void |
IgniteServices.cancelAll() |
Cancels all deployed services.
void |
IgniteServices.cancelAll(Collection<String> names) |
Cancels services with specified names.
void |
IgniteQueue.clear() |
void |
IgniteQueue.clear(int batchSize) |
Removes all of the elements from this queue.
void |
IgniteSet.clear() |
void |
Ignite.close() |
Closes this instance of grid.
void |
IgniteQueue.close() |
Removes this queue.
void |
IgniteSet.close() |
Removes this set.
void |
IgniteSpringBean.close() |
Closes this instance of grid.
boolean |
IgniteAtomicLong.compareAndSet(long expVal,
long newVal) |
Atomically compares current value to the expected value, and if they are equal, sets current value
to new value.
boolean |
IgniteAtomicReference.compareAndSet(T expVal,
T newVal) |
Conditionally sets the new value.
boolean |
IgniteAtomicStamped.compareAndSet(T expVal,
T newVal,
S expStamp,
S newStamp) |
Conditionally sets the new value and new stamp.
boolean |
IgniteQueue.contains(Object item) |
boolean |
IgniteSet.contains(Object o) |
boolean |
IgniteQueue.containsAll(Collection<?> items) |
boolean |
IgniteSet.containsAll(Collection<?> c) |
int |
IgniteCountDownLatch.countDown() |
Decrements the count of the latch, releasing all waiting threads
on all nodes if the count reaches zero.
int |
IgniteCountDownLatch.countDown(int val) |
Decreases the count of the latch using passed in value,
releasing all waiting threads on all nodes if the count reaches zero.
void |
IgniteCountDownLatch.countDownAll() |
Counts down this latch to zero, releasing all waiting threads on all nodes.
IgniteCountDownLatch |
Ignite.countDownLatch(String name,
int cnt,
boolean autoDel,
boolean create) |
Gets or creates count down latch.
long |
IgniteAtomicLong.decrementAndGet() |
Decrements and gets current value of atomic long.
boolean |
IgniteCluster.disableWal(String cacheName) |
Disables write-ahead logging for specified cache.
boolean |
IgniteCluster.enableWal(String cacheName) |
Enables write-ahead logging for specified cache.
<T,R> R |
IgniteCompute.execute(Class<? extends ComputeTask<T,R>> taskCls,
T arg) |
Executes given task on within the cluster group.
<T,R> R |
IgniteCompute.execute(String taskName,
T arg) |
Executes given task within the cluster group.
<T,R> R |
IgniteCompute.execute(ComputeTask<T,R> task,
T arg) |
Executes given task within the cluster group.
<T,R> ComputeTaskFuture<R> |
IgniteCompute.executeAsync(Class<? extends ComputeTask<T,R>> taskCls,
T arg) |
Executes given task asynchronously on within the cluster group.
<T,R> ComputeTaskFuture<R> |
IgniteCompute.executeAsync(String taskName,
T arg) |
Executes given task asynchronously within the cluster group.
<T,R> ComputeTaskFuture<R> |
IgniteCompute.executeAsync(ComputeTask<T,R> task,
T arg) |
Executes given task asynchronously within the cluster group.
long |
IgniteAtomicLong.get() |
Gets current value of atomic long.
T |
IgniteAtomicReference.get() |
Gets current value of an atomic reference.
long |
IgniteAtomicSequence.get() |
Gets current value of atomic sequence.
IgniteBiTuple<T,S> |
IgniteAtomicStamped.get() |
Gets both current value and current stamp of atomic stamped.
long |
IgniteAtomicLong.getAndAdd(long l) |
Gets current value of atomic long and adds l .
long |
IgniteAtomicSequence.getAndAdd(long l) |
Gets current value of atomic sequence and adds l elements.
long |
IgniteAtomicLong.getAndDecrement() |
Gets and decrements current value of atomic long.
long |
IgniteAtomicLong.getAndIncrement() |
Gets and increments current value of atomic long.
long |
IgniteAtomicSequence.getAndIncrement() |
Gets and increments current value of atomic sequence.
long |
IgniteAtomicLong.getAndSet(long l) |
Gets current value of atomic long and sets new value l of atomic long.
int |
IgniteLock.getHoldCount() |
Queries the number of holds on this lock by the current thread.
IgniteCondition |
IgniteLock.getOrCreateCondition(String name) |
static Ignite |
Ignition.getOrStart(IgniteConfiguration cfg) |
Gets or starts new grid instance if it hasn't been started yet.
int |
IgniteLock.getWaitQueueLength(IgniteCondition condition) |
Returns an estimate of the number of threads on this node that are waiting on the
given condition associated with this lock.
boolean |
IgniteLock.hasQueuedThread(Thread thread) |
Queries whether the given thread is waiting to acquire this
boolean |
IgniteLock.hasQueuedThreads() |
Queries whether any threads on this node are waiting to acquire this lock.
boolean |
IgniteLock.hasWaiters(IgniteCondition condition) |
Queries whether any threads on this node are waiting on the given condition
associated with this lock.
long |
IgniteAtomicLong.incrementAndGet() |
Increments and gets current value of atomic long.
long |
IgniteAtomicSequence.incrementAndGet() |
Increments and returns the value of atomic sequence.
boolean |
IgniteLock.isBroken() |
Returns true if any node that owned the locked failed before releasing the lock.
boolean |
IgniteQueue.isEmpty() |
boolean |
IgniteSet.isEmpty() |
boolean |
IgniteLock.isHeldByCurrentThread() |
Queries if this lock is held by the current thread.
boolean |
IgniteLock.isLocked() |
Queries if this lock is held by any thread on any node.
Iterator<T> |
IgniteQueue.iterator() |
Iterator<T> |
IgniteSet.iterator() |
static <T> T |
Ignition.loadSpringBean(InputStream springXmlStream,
String beanName) |
Loads Spring bean by its name from given Spring XML configuration file.
static <T> T |
Ignition.loadSpringBean(String springXmlPath,
String beanName) |
Loads Spring bean by its name from given Spring XML configuration file.
static <T> T |
Ignition.loadSpringBean(URL springXmlUrl,
String beanName) |
Loads Spring bean by its name from given Spring XML configuration file.
void |
IgniteCompute.localDeployTask(Class<? extends ComputeTask> taskCls,
ClassLoader clsLdr) |
Explicitly deploys a task with given class loader on the local node.
void |
IgniteLock.lock() |
Acquires the distributed reentrant lock.
void |
IgniteLock.lockInterruptibly() |
Acquires the lock unless the current thread is
boolean |
IgniteQueue.offer(T item) |
boolean |
IgniteQueue.offer(T item,
long timeout,
TimeUnit unit) |
T |
IgniteQueue.peek() |
T |
IgniteQueue.poll() |
T |
IgniteQueue.poll(long timeout,
TimeUnit unit) |
void |
IgniteQueue.put(T item) |
<T> IgniteQueue<T> |
Ignite.queue(String name,
int cap,
@Nullable CollectionConfiguration cfg) |
Will get a named queue from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and cfg is not
null .
IgniteLock |
Ignite.reentrantLock(String name,
boolean failoverSafe,
boolean fair,
boolean create) |
Gets or creates reentrant lock.
<T extends Event> UUID |
IgniteEvents.remoteListen(int bufSize,
long interval,
boolean autoUnsubscribe,
@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<UUID,T> locLsnr,
@Nullable IgnitePredicate<T> rmtFilter,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Adds event listener for specified events to all nodes in the cluster group (possibly including
local node if it belongs to the cluster group as well).
<T extends Event> UUID |
IgniteEvents.remoteListen(@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<UUID,T> locLsnr,
@Nullable IgnitePredicate<T> rmtFilter,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Adds event listener for specified events to all nodes in the cluster group (possibly including
local node if it belongs to the cluster group as well).
IgniteMessaging.remoteListen(@Nullable Object topic,
IgniteBiPredicate<UUID,?> p) |
Adds a message listener for a given topic to all nodes in the cluster group (possibly including
this node if it belongs to the cluster group as well).
<T extends Event> IgniteFuture<UUID> |
IgniteEvents.remoteListenAsync(int bufSize,
long interval,
boolean autoUnsubscribe,
@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<UUID,T> locLsnr,
@Nullable IgnitePredicate<T> rmtFilter,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Asynchronously adds event listener for specified events to all nodes in the cluster group (possibly including
local node if it belongs to the cluster group as well).
<T extends Event> IgniteFuture<UUID> |
IgniteEvents.remoteListenAsync(@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<UUID,T> locLsnr,
@Nullable IgnitePredicate<T> rmtFilter,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Asynchronously adds event listener for specified events to all nodes in the cluster group (possibly including
local node if it belongs to the cluster group as well).
IgniteFuture<UUID> |
IgniteMessaging.remoteListenAsync(@Nullable Object topic,
IgniteBiPredicate<UUID,?> p) |
Asynchronously adds a message listener for a given topic to all nodes in the cluster group (possibly including
this node if it belongs to the cluster group as well).
<T extends Event> List<T> |
IgniteEvents.remoteQuery(IgnitePredicate<T> p,
long timeout,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Queries nodes in this cluster group for events using passed in predicate filter for event
<T extends Event> IgniteFuture<List<T>> |
IgniteEvents.remoteQueryAsync(IgnitePredicate<T> p,
long timeout,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Asynchronously queries nodes in this cluster group for events using passed in predicate filter for event
boolean |
IgniteQueue.remove(Object item) |
boolean |
IgniteSet.remove(Object o) |
boolean |
IgniteQueue.removeAll(Collection<?> items) |
boolean |
IgniteSet.removeAll(Collection<?> c) |
void |
IgniteCluster.restartNodes() |
Restarts nodes satisfying optional set of predicates.
void |
IgniteCluster.restartNodes(Collection<UUID> ids) |
Restarts nodes defined by provided IDs.
boolean |
IgniteQueue.retainAll(Collection<?> items) |
boolean |
IgniteSet.retainAll(Collection<?> c) |
void |<? extends IgniteRunnable> jobs) |
Executes collection of jobs on grid nodes within the underlying cluster group.
void | job) |
Executes provided job on a node within the underlying cluster group.
IgniteFuture<Void> |
IgniteCompute.runAsync(Collection<? extends IgniteRunnable> jobs) |
Executes collection of jobs asynchronously on grid nodes within the underlying cluster group.
IgniteFuture<Void> |
IgniteCompute.runAsync(IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes provided job asynchronously on a node within the underlying cluster group.
IgniteSemaphore |
Ignite.semaphore(String name,
int cnt,
boolean failoverSafe,
boolean create) |
Gets or creates semaphore.
void |
IgniteMessaging.send(@Nullable Object topic,
Object msg) |
Sends given message with specified topic to the nodes in the underlying cluster group.
void |
IgniteMessaging.send(@Nullable Object topic,
Collection<?> msgs) |
Sends given messages with the specified topic to the nodes in the underlying cluster group.
void |
IgniteMessaging.sendOrdered(@Nullable Object topic,
Object msg,
long timeout) |
Sends given message with specified topic to the nodes in the underlying cluster group.
<T> T |
IgniteServices.serviceProxy(String name,
Class<? super T> svcItf,
boolean sticky) |
Gets a handle on remote or local service.
<T> T |
IgniteServices.serviceProxy(String name,
Class<? super T> svcItf,
boolean sticky,
long timeout) |
Gets a handle on remote or local service with the timeout.
<T> T |
IgniteServices.serviceProxy(String name,
Class<? super T> svcItf,
boolean sticky,
ServiceCallContext callCtx) |
Gets a handle on remote or local service with the specified caller context.
<T> T |
IgniteServices.serviceProxy(String name,
Class<? super T> svcItf,
boolean sticky,
ServiceCallContext callCtx,
long timeout) |
Gets a handle on remote or local service with the specified caller context and the timeout.
<T> IgniteSet<T> |
Ignite.set(String name,
@Nullable CollectionConfiguration cfg) |
Will get a named set from cache and create one if it has not been created yet and cfg is not
null .
void |
IgniteAtomicReference.set(T val) |
Unconditionally sets the value.
void |
IgniteAtomicStamped.set(T val,
S stamp) |
Unconditionally sets the value and the stamp.
void |
IgniteCondition.signal() |
Wakes up one waiting thread.
void |
IgniteCondition.signalAll() |
Wakes up all waiting threads.
int |
IgniteQueue.size() |
int |
IgniteSet.size() |
S |
IgniteAtomicStamped.stamp() |
Gets current stamp.
static Ignite |
Ignition.start() |
Starts grid with default configuration.
static Ignite |
Ignition.start(InputStream springCfgStream) |
Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration input stream.
static Ignite |
Ignition.start(String springCfgPath) |
Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration file.
static Ignite |
Ignition.start(URL springCfgUrl) |
Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration file URL.
static Ignite |
Ignition.start(IgniteConfiguration cfg) |
Starts grid with given configuration.
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> |
IgniteCluster.startNodes(File file,
boolean restart,
int timeout,
int maxConn) |
Starts one or more nodes on remote host(s).
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> |
IgniteCluster.startNodes(Collection<Map<String,Object>> hosts,
@Nullable Map<String,Object> dflts,
boolean restart,
int timeout,
int maxConn) |
Starts one or more nodes on remote host(s).
IgniteFuture<Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult>> |
IgniteCluster.startNodesAsync(File file,
boolean restart,
int timeout,
int maxConn) |
Starts one or more nodes on remote host(s) asynchronously.
IgniteFuture<Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult>> |
IgniteCluster.startNodesAsync(Collection<Map<String,Object>> hosts,
@Nullable Map<String,Object> dflts,
boolean restart,
int timeout,
int maxConn) |
Starts one or more nodes on remote host(s) asynchronously.
void |
IgniteCluster.state(ClusterState newState) |
Changes current cluster state to given newState cluster state.
void |
IgniteCluster.stopNodes() |
Stops nodes satisfying optional set of predicates.
void |
IgniteCluster.stopNodes(Collection<UUID> ids) |
Stops nodes defined by provided IDs.
void |
IgniteEvents.stopRemoteListen(UUID opId) |
Stops listening to remote events.
void |
IgniteMessaging.stopRemoteListen(UUID opId) |
Unregisters all listeners identified with provided operation ID on all nodes in the cluster group.
IgniteFuture<Void> |
IgniteEvents.stopRemoteListenAsync(UUID opId) |
Asynchronously stops listening to remote events.
IgniteFuture<Void> |
IgniteMessaging.stopRemoteListenAsync(UUID opId) |
Asynchronously unregisters all listeners identified with provided operation ID on all nodes in the cluster group.
T |
IgniteQueue.take() |
Object[] |
IgniteQueue.toArray() |
<T> T[] |
IgniteQueue.toArray(T[] a) |
Object[] |
IgniteSet.toArray() |
<T1> T1[] |
IgniteSet.toArray(T1[] a) |
boolean |
IgniteLock.tryLock() |
Acquires the lock only if it is free at the time of invocation.
boolean |
IgniteLock.tryLock(long timeout,
TimeUnit unit) |
Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread within the given
waiting time and the current thread has not been
void |
IgniteCompute.undeployTask(String taskName) |
Makes the best attempt to undeploy a task with given name within the underlying cluster group.
T |
IgniteAtomicStamped.value() |
Gets current value.
<T extends Event> T |
IgniteEvents.waitForLocal(@Nullable IgnitePredicate<T> filter,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Waits for the specified events.
<T extends Event> IgniteFuture<T> |
IgniteEvents.waitForLocalAsync(@Nullable IgnitePredicate<T> filter,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Create future to wait for the specified events.