Package org.apache.ignite.lang
Contains general language constructs and functional APIs for distributed computations.
Interface Summary Interface Description IgniteAsyncSupport Deprecated. since 2.0.IgniteBiClosure<E1,E2,R> Defines generic closure with two parameters.IgniteBiInClosure<E1,E2> Closure with two in-parameters and void return type.IgniteBiPredicate<E1,E2> Defines a predicate which accepts two parameters and returnstrue
.IgniteCallable<V> Grid-aware adapter forCallable
implementations.IgniteClosure<E,R> Defines generic closure with one parameter.IgniteFuture<V> Future with simplified exception handling, functional programming support and ability to listen for future completion via functional callback.IgniteInClosure<E> Closure with one in-parameter and void return type.IgniteOutClosure<T> Closure that does not take any parameters and returns a value.IgnitePredicate<E> Defines a predicate which accepts a parameter and returnstrue
.IgniteProducer<T> Defines a producer which can throw IgniteCheckedException.IgniteReducer<E,R> Defines generic reducer that collects multiple values and reduces them into one.IgniteRunnable Grid-aware adapter forRunnable
implementations. -
Class Summary Class Description IgniteBiTuple<V1,V2> Convenience class representing mutable tuple of two values.IgniteProductVersion Represents node version.IgniteUuid This is a faster performing version ofUUID
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Exception Summary Exception Description IgniteFutureCancelledException Future computation cannot be retrieved because it was cancelled.IgniteFutureTimeoutException Future computation completion is timed out. -
Annotation Types Summary Annotation Type Description IgniteAsyncCallback If callback has this annotation then it will be executing in another thread.IgniteAsyncSupported Deprecated. since 2.0.IgniteExperimental This annotation marks API elements (such as interfaces, methods, annotations and whole API packages) as experimental meaning that the API is not finalized yet and may be changed or replaced in future Ignite releases.IgniteNotPeerDeployable This annotations should be used to mark any type that should not be peer deployable.