Entries tagged [memory]

Apache Ignite 2.16.0: Cache dumps, Calcite engine stabilization, JDK 14+ bug fixes

December 25, 2023 by Nikita Amelchev. Share in Facebook, Twitter

As of December 25, 2023, Apache Ignite 2.16 has been released. You can directly check the full list of resolved Important JIRA tasks but let's briefly overview some valuable improvements.

Cache dumps

Ignite has persistent cache snapshots and this feature is highly appreciated by Ignite users. This release introduces another way to make a copy of user data - a cache dump.

The cache dump is essentially a file that contains all entries of a cache group at the time of dump creation. Dump is consistent like a snapshot, which means all entries that existed in the cluster at the moment of dump creation will be included in the dump file. Meta information of dumped caches and binary meta are also included in the dump.

Main differences from cache snapshots:

  • Supports in-memory caches that a snapshot feature does not support.
  • Takes up less disk space. The dump contains only the cache entries as-is.
  • Can be used for offline data processing.

Apache Ignite 2.13.0: new Apache Calcite-based SQL engine

April 28, 2022 by Nikita Amelchev. Share in Facebook, Twitter

As of April 26, 2022, Apache Ignite 2.13 has been released. You can directly check the full list of resolved Important JIRA tasks but here let's briefly overview some valuable improvements.

This is a breaking change release: The legacy service grid implementation was removed.

New Apache Calcite-based SQL engine

We've implemented a new experimental SQL engine based on Apache Calcite. Now it's possible to:

The current H2-based engine has fundamental limitations. For example:

  • some queries should be splitted into 2 phases (map subquery and reduce subquery), but some of them cannot be effectively executed in 2 phases.
  • H2 is a third-party database product with not-ASF license.
  • The optimizer and other internal things are not supposed to work in a distributed environment.
  • It's hard to make Ignite-specific changes to the H2 code, patches are often declined.