Dmitriy Pavlov
Apache Ignite Story
Ignite is contributed to ASF
GridGain donates the core of its in-memory computing platform to the Apache Software Foundation under the name of "Apache Ignite"🚀. The project enters the Apache Incubator. The first members form its community.
It was a time of intense learning and almost daily challenges. Incubation lets people find ways to become a true community, how to create a project without fighting for an "intellectual property", and how to multiply the success by sharing rather than restricting. It wasn't an easy, quick nor smooth transition, but in retrospect it was worth it!

Ignite graduates from the incubator
In less than a year Ignite successfully graduates from the ASF incubator and became a top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation.
The community keeps expanding rapidly. Hundreds of developers and architects start using Ignite as a distributed in-memory data grid (aka. write-through/read-through cache) for its native support of SQL, ACID transactions and high-performance computing APIs.
Ignite introduces Native Persistence and becomes a Top-5 Project
In 2017, two notable events happened.
First, with the donation of the Ignite native persistence to the project’s codebase, a new chapter in the Ignite story begins. Since then, many will be using Ignite as a distributed database that scales across memory and disk with no compromises💥.
Second, this is the year when Ignite is ranked as a top-5 project of the ASF in various categories 🏆 for the first time. A trend that will continue in the years to come.
Ignite becomes (officially)
a distributed database
3 years after the initial release of the Ignite native persistence, the community and application developers carried on improving and adopting this capability for mission-critical production workloads.
Finally, after seeing the rapid adoption of Ignite as a database by application developers, the community repositions Ignite as a "distributed database for high-performance computing with in-memory speed".
Ignite 3.0 version is under way
Even when your project boasts hundreds of thousands of downloads a month and is being selected by elite developers and architects for applications that are used by millions of people daily, there is still room for innovation.
Ignite 3 is a significant leap forward for both the project and its community. Join or support us in an effort to create a cutting-edge distributed database...