Create your first application using
Ignite key-value APIs
Every record in Ignite is stored as a key-value pair. All the records are distributed evenly across the cluster nodes. Your key-value queries are directed automatically to the nodes that store requested data. This is how Ignite utilizes all the given memory, disk, and CPU resources.
Key-value APIs are supported by all existing Ignite client libraries:
Java (implements JSR-107 specification known as JCache)
Your language
Two synchronization strategies are available in Apache Ignite:
write-through/behind and read-through.
A near cache is a local client-side cache that stores the most frequently
used data on the application end.
It is applied to applications that require a consistent response time of a few microseconds. Ignite automatically invalidates and updates the near cache.
Whenever the primary copy of a record gets updated on a server node, Ignite propagates the change to all the nodes that store the record’s backup copy, as well as to the applications that keep the record’s copy in their near caches.
1. Call to the near cache
2. Call to the Ignite cluster (if a record is not found in the near cache)
3. Read-through from the external database(if the record is not in the Ignite cluster yet)
Apache Ignite key-value APIs are fully transactional, which means that data can be updated consistently and reliably.
An Ignite transaction can update multiple records from different tables stored on different cluster nodes. Ignite can even span a transaction to an underlying relational database. Ignite implements two-phase-commit protocol to ensure data consistency at scale.
Create your first application using
Ignite key-value APIs
Check out how Apache Ignite can be configured
and used as a standard key-value store