Uses of Interface
Packages that use ClusterNode Package Description org.apache.ignite Contains entry-point Ignite & HPC Contains cache node affinity Contains HRW-based cache affinity for partitioned Contains Ignite Thin Client API Contains cluster-related Contains Compute Grid Contains configuration-related Contains Event Subscription functionality together with various events emitted by Contains .Net platform-related Contains plugins management Contains main Managed Services Contains common classes and interfaces for SPI Contains APIs for grid communication Contains default TCP/IP-based implementation for communication Contains APIs for topology manager Contains implementation of special "isolated" mode for single-node Contains default TCP/IP implementation for discovery Contains Zookeeper Discovery Spi classes and Contains APIs for failover Contains default "always" failover Contains job stealing failover Contains "never" failover Contains APIs for indexing Contains APIs for load balancing Contains adaptive load balancing Contains default round-robin implementation for load balancing Contains weighted random-base implementation for load balancing ContainsSystemView
clases that exists in Ignite. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite
Methods in org.apache.ignite that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
IgniteCluster. localNode()
Gets local grid node.Methods in org.apache.ignite that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<ClusterNode>
IgniteCluster. topology(long topVer)
Gets a topology by version. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity
Methods in org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description @Nullable ClusterNode
Affinity. mapKeyToNode(K key)
This method provides ability to detect to which primary node the given key is mapped.ClusterNode
Affinity. mapPartitionToNode(int part)
Gets primary node for the given partition.Methods in org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description List<List<ClusterNode>>
AffinityFunction. assignPartitions(AffinityFunctionContext affCtx)
Gets affinity nodes for a partition.List<ClusterNode>
AffinityFunctionContext. currentTopologySnapshot()
Gets current topology snapshot.Map<ClusterNode,Collection<K>>
Affinity. mapKeysToNodes(Collection<? extends K> keys)
This method provides ability to detect which keys are mapped to which nodes.Collection<ClusterNode>
Affinity. mapKeyToPrimaryAndBackups(K key)
Gets primary and backup nodes for the key.Map<Integer,ClusterNode>
Affinity. mapPartitionsToNodes(Collection<Integer> parts)
Gets primary nodes for the given partitions.Collection<ClusterNode>
Affinity. mapPartitionToPrimaryAndBackups(int part)
Gets primary and backup nodes for partition.@Nullable List<ClusterNode>
AffinityFunctionContext. previousAssignment(int part)
Gets affinity assignment for given partition on previous topology version.Methods in org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description int[]
Affinity. allPartitions(ClusterNode n)
Gets partition ids for which given cluster node has any ownership (either primary or backup).int[]
Affinity. backupPartitions(ClusterNode n)
Gets partition ids for which given cluster node has backup ownership.boolean
Affinity. isBackup(ClusterNode n, K key)
if local node is one of the backup nodes for given key.boolean
Affinity. isPrimary(ClusterNode n, K key)
if given node is the primary node for given key.boolean
Affinity. isPrimaryOrBackup(ClusterNode n, K key)
if local node is primary or one of the backup nodesint[]
Affinity. primaryPartitions(ClusterNode n)
Gets partition ids for which the given cluster node has primary ownership. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.rendezvous
Methods in org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.rendezvous that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description List<ClusterNode>
RendezvousAffinityFunction. assignPartition(int part, List<ClusterNode> nodes, int backups, @Nullable Map<UUID,Collection<ClusterNode>> neighborhoodCache)
Returns collection of nodes (primary first) for specified partition.List<List<ClusterNode>>
RendezvousAffinityFunction. assignPartitions(AffinityFunctionContext affCtx)
Gets affinity nodes for a partition.@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode,List<ClusterNode>>
RendezvousAffinityFunction. getAffinityBackupFilter()
Gets optional backup filter.@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode,List<ClusterNode>>
RendezvousAffinityFunction. getAffinityBackupFilter()
Gets optional backup filter.@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode,ClusterNode>
RendezvousAffinityFunction. getBackupFilter()
Gets optional backup filter.@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode,ClusterNode>
RendezvousAffinityFunction. getBackupFilter()
Gets optional backup filter.Methods in org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.rendezvous with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
ClusterNodeAttributeAffinityBackupFilter. apply(ClusterNode candidate, List<ClusterNode> previouslySelected)
Defines a predicate which returnstrue
if a node is acceptable for a backup orfalse
ClusterNodeAttributeColocatedBackupFilter. apply(ClusterNode candidate, List<ClusterNode> previouslySelected)
Defines a predicate which returnstrue
if a node is acceptable for a backup orfalse
RendezvousAffinityFunction. resolveNodeHash(ClusterNode node)
Resolves node hash.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.rendezvous with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
ClusterNodeAttributeAffinityBackupFilter. apply(ClusterNode candidate, List<ClusterNode> previouslySelected)
Defines a predicate which returnstrue
if a node is acceptable for a backup orfalse
ClusterNodeAttributeColocatedBackupFilter. apply(ClusterNode candidate, List<ClusterNode> previouslySelected)
Defines a predicate which returnstrue
if a node is acceptable for a backup orfalse
RendezvousAffinityFunction. assignPartition(int part, List<ClusterNode> nodes, int backups, @Nullable Map<UUID,Collection<ClusterNode>> neighborhoodCache)
Returns collection of nodes (primary first) for specified partition.List<ClusterNode>
RendezvousAffinityFunction. assignPartition(int part, List<ClusterNode> nodes, int backups, @Nullable Map<UUID,Collection<ClusterNode>> neighborhoodCache)
Returns collection of nodes (primary first) for specified partition.RendezvousAffinityFunction
RendezvousAffinityFunction. setAffinityBackupFilter(@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode,List<ClusterNode>> affinityBackupFilter)
Sets optional backup filter.RendezvousAffinityFunction
RendezvousAffinityFunction. setAffinityBackupFilter(@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode,List<ClusterNode>> affinityBackupFilter)
Sets optional backup filter.RendezvousAffinityFunction
RendezvousAffinityFunction. setBackupFilter(@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode,ClusterNode> backupFilter)
RendezvousAffinityFunction. setBackupFilter(@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode,ClusterNode> backupFilter)
instead.Constructor parameters in org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.rendezvous with type arguments of type ClusterNode Constructor Description RendezvousAffinityFunction(int parts, @Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode,ClusterNode> backupFilter)
Initializes optional counts for replicas and backups.RendezvousAffinityFunction(int parts, @Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode,ClusterNode> backupFilter)
Initializes optional counts for replicas and backups. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.client
Methods in org.apache.ignite.client that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
ClientClusterGroup. node()
Gets first node from the list of nodes in this cluster group.ClusterNode
ClientClusterGroup. node(UUID nid)
Gets a node for given ID from this cluster group.Methods in org.apache.ignite.client that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<ClusterNode>
ClientClusterGroup. nodes()
Gets the read-only collection of nodes in this cluster group.Methods in org.apache.ignite.client with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClientClusterGroup
ClientClusterGroup. forHost(ClusterNode node)
Gets cluster group consisting from the nodes in this cluster group residing on the same host (with the same MAC address) as the given node.ClientClusterGroup
ClientClusterGroup. forNode(ClusterNode node, ClusterNode... nodes)
Creates a cluster group for the given node.ClientClusterGroup
ClientClusterGroup. forOthers(ClusterNode node, ClusterNode... nodes)
Creates a cluster group for nodes other than the given nodes.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.client with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClientClusterGroup
ClientClusterGroup. forNodes(Collection<? extends ClusterNode> nodes)
Creates a cluster group over a given set of nodes.ClientClusterGroup
ClientClusterGroup. forPredicate(Predicate<ClusterNode> p)
Creates a new cluster group which includes all nodes that pass the given predicate filter. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.cluster
Methods in org.apache.ignite.cluster that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
ClusterGroup. node()
Gets first node from the list of nodes in this cluster group.ClusterNode
ClusterGroup. node(UUID nid)
Gets a node for given ID from this cluster group.Methods in org.apache.ignite.cluster that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<ClusterNode>
ClusterGroup. nodes()
Gets the read-only collection of nodes in this cluster group.IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode>
ClusterGroup. predicate()
Gets predicate that defines a subset of nodes for this cluster group.Methods in org.apache.ignite.cluster with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterGroup
ClusterGroup. forHost(ClusterNode node)
Gets cluster group consisting from the nodes in this cluster group residing on the same host as the given node.ClusterGroup
ClusterGroup. forNode(ClusterNode node, ClusterNode... nodes)
Creates a cluster group for the given node.ClusterGroup
ClusterGroup. forOthers(ClusterNode node, ClusterNode... nodes)
Creates a cluster group for nodes other than the given nodes.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.cluster with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterGroup
ClusterGroup. forNodes(Collection<? extends ClusterNode> nodes)
Creates a cluster group over a given set of nodes.ClusterGroup
ClusterGroup. forPredicate(IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> p)
Creates a new cluster group which includes all nodes that pass the given predicate filter. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.compute
Methods in org.apache.ignite.compute that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description @Nullable ClusterNode
ComputeLoadBalancer. getBalancedNode(ComputeJob job, @Nullable Collection<ClusterNode> exclNodes)
Gets the next balanced node according to the underlying load balancing policy.ClusterNode
ComputeJobResult. getNode()
Gets node this job executed on.Methods in org.apache.ignite.compute that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description @NotNull Map<? extends ComputeJob,ClusterNode>
ComputeTask. map(List<ClusterNode> subgrid, T arg)
This method is called to map or split grid task into multiple grid jobs.@NotNull Map<? extends ComputeJob,ClusterNode>
ComputeTaskSplitAdapter. map(List<ClusterNode> subgrid, T arg)
This method is called to map or split grid task into multiple grid jobs.Methods in org.apache.ignite.compute with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description void
ComputeTaskContinuousMapper. send(ComputeJob job, ClusterNode node)
Sends given job to a specific grid node.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.compute with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description @Nullable ClusterNode
ComputeLoadBalancer. getBalancedNode(ComputeJob job, @Nullable Collection<ClusterNode> exclNodes)
Gets the next balanced node according to the underlying load balancing policy.@NotNull Map<? extends ComputeJob,ClusterNode>
ComputeTask. map(List<ClusterNode> subgrid, T arg)
This method is called to map or split grid task into multiple grid jobs.@NotNull Map<? extends ComputeJob,ClusterNode>
ComputeTaskSplitAdapter. map(List<ClusterNode> subgrid, T arg)
This method is called to map or split grid task into multiple grid jobs.void
ComputeTaskContinuousMapper. send(Map<? extends ComputeJob,ClusterNode> mappedJobs)
Sends collection of grid jobs to assigned nodes. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.configuration
Fields in org.apache.ignite.configuration with type parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Field Description static IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode>
CacheConfiguration. ALL_NODES
Filter that accepts all nodes.Methods in org.apache.ignite.configuration that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description List<List<ClusterNode>>
CommunicationFailureContext. cacheAffinity(String cacheName)
CommunicationFailureContext. cachePartitionOwners(String cacheName)
CacheConfiguration. getNodeFilter()
Gets filter which determines on what nodes the cache should be started.IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode>
CollectionConfiguration. getNodeFilter()
CommunicationFailureContext. topologySnapshot()
Methods in org.apache.ignite.configuration with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
CacheConfiguration.IgniteAllNodesPredicate. apply(ClusterNode node)
Predicate body.boolean
CommunicationFailureContext. connectionAvailable(ClusterNode node1, ClusterNode node2)
CommunicationFailureContext. killNode(ClusterNode node)
Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.configuration with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description CacheConfiguration<K,V>
CacheConfiguration. setNodeFilter(IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> nodeFilter)
Sets filter which determines on what nodes the cache should be started.CollectionConfiguration
CollectionConfiguration. setNodeFilter(IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> nodeFilter)
TopologyValidator. validate(Collection<ClusterNode> nodes)
Validates topology. -
Uses of ClusterNode in
Methods in that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
CacheRebalancingEvent. discoveryNode()
Gets shadow of the node that triggered this rebalancing event.ClusterNode
CacheEvent. eventNode()
Gets node which initiated cache operation ornull
if that node is not available.ClusterNode
DiscoveryEvent. eventNode()
Gets node that caused this event to be generated.ClusterNode
NodeValidationFailedEvent. eventNode()
Event. node()
Node where event occurred and was recordedClusterNode
EventAdapter. node()
Node where event occurred and was recordedClusterNode
JobEvent. taskNode()
Get node where parent task of the job has originated.Methods in that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description Map<ClusterNode,CacheConsistencyViolationEvent.EntryInfo>
CacheConsistencyViolationEvent.EntriesInfo. getMapping()
DiscoveryEvent. topologyNodes()
Gets topology nodes from topology snapshot.Methods in with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description void
DiscoveryEvent. eventNode(ClusterNode evtNode)
Sets node this event is referring to.void
EventAdapter. node(ClusterNode node)
Sets node where even is occurred (i.e. node local to the event).void
JobEvent. taskNode(ClusterNode taskNode)
Sets node where parent task of the job has originated.Method parameters in with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description void
DiscoveryEvent. topologySnapshot(long topVer, Collection<ClusterNode> topSnapshot)
Sets the topology snapshot.Constructors in with parameters of type ClusterNode Constructor Description BaselineChangedEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, Collection<BaselineNode> baselineNodes)
Creates baseline changed event with given parameters.BaselineConfigurationChangedEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, boolean autoAdjustEnabled, long autoAdjustTimeout)
Creates baseline configuration changed event with given parameters.CacheConsistencyViolationEvent(String cacheName, ClusterNode node, String msg, Map<Object,CacheConsistencyViolationEvent.EntriesInfo> entries, Map<Object,Object> repaired, ReadRepairStrategy strategy)
Creates a new instance of CacheConsistencyViolationEvent.CacheEvent(String cacheName, ClusterNode node, @Nullable ClusterNode evtNode, String msg, int type, int part, boolean near, Object key, IgniteUuid xid, String txLbl, Object lockId, Object newVal, boolean hasNewVal, Object oldVal, boolean hasOldVal, UUID subjId, String cloClsName, String taskName)
Constructs cache event.CacheObjectTransformedEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, byte[] original, byte[] transformed, boolean restore)
CacheQueryExecutedEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, String qryType, @Nullable String cacheName, @Nullable String clsName, @Nullable String clause, @Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<K,V> scanQryFilter, @Nullable CacheEntryEventSerializableFilter<K,V> contQryFilter, @Nullable Object[] args, @Nullable UUID subjId, @Nullable String taskName)
CacheQueryReadEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, String qryType, @Nullable String cacheName, @Nullable String clsName, @Nullable String clause, @Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<K,V> scanQryFilter, @Nullable CacheEntryEventSerializableFilter<K,V> contQryFilter, @Nullable Object[] args, @Nullable UUID subjId, @Nullable String taskName, K key, V val, V oldVal, @Nullable Object row)
CacheRebalancingEvent(String cacheName, ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, int part, ClusterNode discoNode, int discoEvtType, long discoTs)
Constructs cache event.CheckpointEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, String cpKey)
Creates new checkpoint event with given parameters.ClusterActivationEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, Collection<BaselineNode> baselineNodes)
Deprecated.Creates activation event with given parameters.ClusterStateChangeEvent(ClusterState prevState, ClusterState state, @Nullable Collection<? extends BaselineNode> baselineNodes, ClusterNode node, String msg)
ClusterStateChangeStartedEvent(ClusterState prevState, ClusterState state, ClusterNode node, String msg, UUID subjId)
ClusterTagUpdatedEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, UUID clusterId, String prevTag, String newTag)
DeploymentEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type)
Creates deployment event with given parameters.DiscoveryEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, ClusterNode evtNode)
Creates new discovery event with given parameters.EventAdapter(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type)
Creates event based with given parameters.JobEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type)
Creates job event with given parameters.NodeValidationFailedEvent(ClusterNode node, ClusterNode evtNode, IgniteNodeValidationResult res)
Creates new node validation event with given parameters.PageReplacementStartedEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, String dataRegionName)
SnapshotEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, String snpName, int type)
SqlQueryExecutionEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, @Nullable String text, @Nullable Object[] args, @Nullable UUID subjId)
TaskEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, IgniteUuid sesId, String taskName, String taskClsName, boolean internal, @Nullable UUID subjId)
Creates task event with given parameters.TransactionStateChangedEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, Transaction tx)
WalSegmentArchivedEvent(@NotNull ClusterNode node, long absWalSegmentIdx, File archiveFile)
Creates WAL segment eventWalSegmentArchivedEvent(@NotNull ClusterNode node, long absWalSegmentIdx, File archiveFile, int evtType)
WalSegmentCompactedEvent(@NotNull ClusterNode node, long absWalSegmentIdx, File archiveFile)
Creates WAL segment compaction event. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.platform.dotnet
Methods in org.apache.ignite.platform.dotnet that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description List<List<ClusterNode>>
PlatformDotNetAffinityFunction. assignPartitions(AffinityFunctionContext affCtx)
Gets affinity nodes for a partition. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.plugin
Methods in org.apache.ignite.plugin that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
CachePluginContext. localNode()
Gets local grid node.ClusterNode
PluginContext. localNode()
Gets local grid node.Methods in org.apache.ignite.plugin that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<ClusterNode>
PluginContext. nodes()
Gets a collection of all grid nodes.Methods in org.apache.ignite.plugin with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description void
PluginProvider. validateNewNode(ClusterNode node)
Deprecated.default void
PluginProvider. validateNewNode(ClusterNode node, Serializable data)
Validates that new node can join grid topology, this method is called on coordinator node before new node joins topology.void
CachePluginProvider. validateRemote(CacheConfiguration locCfg, CacheConfiguration rmtCfg, ClusterNode rmtNode)
Checks that remote caches has configuration compatible with the local. -
Uses of ClusterNode in
Fields in with type parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Field Description protected IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode>
ServiceConfiguration. nodeFilter
Node filter.Methods in that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode>
ServiceConfiguration. getNodeFilter()
Gets node filter used to filter nodes on which the service will be deployed.Method parameters in with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ServiceConfiguration
ServiceConfiguration. setNodeFilter(IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> nodeFilter)
Sets node filter used to filter nodes on which the service will be deployed. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description protected ClusterNode
IgniteSpiAdapter. getLocalNode()
IgniteSpiContext. localNode()
Gets local grid node.@Nullable ClusterNode
IgniteSpiContext. node(UUID nodeId)
Gets a node instance based on its ID.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<ClusterNode>
IgniteSpiContext. nodes()
Gets a collection of all grid nodes.Collection<ClusterNode>
IgniteSpiContext. remoteNodes()
Gets a collection of remote grid nodes.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
IgniteSpiAdapter. checkConfigurationConsistency0(IgniteSpiContext spiCtx, ClusterNode node, boolean starting)
Method which is called in the end of checkConfigurationConsistency() method.void
IgniteSpiContext. resolveCommunicationFailure(ClusterNode node, Exception err)
IgniteSpiContext. send(ClusterNode node, Serializable msg, String topic)
Sends a message to a remote node.@Nullable IgniteNodeValidationResult
IgniteSpiContext. validateNode(ClusterNode node)
Validates that new node can join grid topology, this method is called on coordinator node before new node joins topology.@Nullable IgniteNodeValidationResult
IgniteSpiContext. validateNode(ClusterNode node, DiscoveryDataBag discoData)
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.communication
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.communication with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description void
CommunicationSpi. sendMessage(ClusterNode destNode, T msg)
Sends given message to destination node. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
TcpCommunicationSpi. checkConfigurationConsistency0(IgniteSpiContext spiCtx, ClusterNode node, boolean starting)
Method which is called in the end of checkConfigurationConsistency() method.protected org.apache.ignite.internal.util.nio.GridCommunicationClient
TcpCommunicationSpi. createTcpClient(ClusterNode node, int connIdx)
Establish TCP connection to remote node and returns client.static boolean
ClientExceptionsUtils. isClientNodeTopologyException(Throwable t, ClusterNode node)
if the exception relates to cluster topology change that prevents a connection, AND the given node is client.Collection<InetSocketAddress>
TcpCommunicationSpi. nodeAddresses(ClusterNode node, boolean filterReachableAddrs)
TcpCommunicationSpi. openChannel(ClusterNode remote, Message initMsg)
protected void
TcpCommunicationSpi. processSessionCreationError(ClusterNode node, Collection<InetSocketAddress> addrs, IgniteCheckedException errs)
Process errors if TCP/IPGridNioSession
creation to remote node hasn't been performed.void
TcpCommunicationSpi. sendMessage(ClusterNode node, Message msg)
Sends given message to destination node.void
TcpCommunicationSpi. sendMessage(ClusterNode node, Message msg, IgniteInClosure<IgniteException> ackC)
Sends given message to destination node.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description IgniteFuture<BitSet>
TcpCommunicationSpi. checkConnection(List<ClusterNode> nodes)
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
DiscoverySpi. getLocalNode()
Gets local node.ClusterNode
DiscoveryNotification. getNode()
@Nullable ClusterNode
DiscoverySpi. getNode(UUID nodeId)
Gets node by ID.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<ClusterNode>
DiscoverySpi. getRemoteNodes()
Gets collection of remote nodes in grid or empty collection if no remote nodes found.NavigableMap<Long,Collection<ClusterNode>>
DiscoveryNotification. getTopHist()
DiscoveryNotification. getTopSnapshot()
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description
DiscoverySpiNodeAuthenticator. authenticateNode(ClusterNode node, SecurityCredentials cred)
Security credentials.void
DiscoverySpiListener. onLocalNodeInitialized(ClusterNode locNode)
Notification of local node initialization.Constructors in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery with parameters of type ClusterNode Constructor Description DiscoveryNotification(int eventType, long topVer, ClusterNode node, Collection<ClusterNode> topSnapshot)
DiscoveryNotification(int eventType, long topVer, ClusterNode node, Collection<ClusterNode> topSnapshot, @Nullable NavigableMap<Long,Collection<ClusterNode>> topHist, @Nullable DiscoverySpiCustomMessage customMsgData, org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.tracing.messages.SpanContainer spanContainer)
Constructor parameters in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery with type arguments of type ClusterNode Constructor Description DiscoveryNotification(int eventType, long topVer, ClusterNode node, Collection<ClusterNode> topSnapshot)
DiscoveryNotification(int eventType, long topVer, ClusterNode node, Collection<ClusterNode> topSnapshot, @Nullable NavigableMap<Long,Collection<ClusterNode>> topHist, @Nullable DiscoverySpiCustomMessage customMsgData, org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.tracing.messages.SpanContainer spanContainer)
DiscoveryNotification(int eventType, long topVer, ClusterNode node, Collection<ClusterNode> topSnapshot, @Nullable NavigableMap<Long,Collection<ClusterNode>> topHist, @Nullable DiscoverySpiCustomMessage customMsgData, org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.tracing.messages.SpanContainer spanContainer)
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.isolated
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.isolated that implement ClusterNode Modifier and Type Class Description class
Special isolated node.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.isolated that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
IsolatedDiscoverySpi. getLocalNode()
Gets local node.ClusterNode
IsolatedDiscoverySpi. getNode(UUID nodeId)
Gets node by ID.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.isolated that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<ClusterNode>
IsolatedDiscoverySpi. getRemoteNodes()
Gets collection of remote nodes in grid or empty collection if no remote nodes found.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.isolated with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description void
IsolatedDiscoverySpi. resolveCommunicationFailure(ClusterNode node, Exception err)
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
TcpDiscoverySpi. getLocalNode()
Gets local node.@Nullable ClusterNode
TcpDiscoverySpi. getNode(UUID nodeId)
Gets node by ID.ClusterNode
TcpDiscoverySpi. getNode0(UUID id)
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<ClusterNode>
TcpDiscoverySpi. getRemoteNodes()
Gets collection of remote nodes in grid or empty collection if no remote nodes found.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description void
TcpDiscoverySpi. resolveCommunicationFailure(ClusterNode node, Exception err)
protected void
TcpDiscoverySpi. writeToSocket(ClusterNode node, Socket sock, OutputStream out, org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.messages.TcpDiscoveryAbstractMessage msg, long timeout)
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.zk
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.zk that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
ZookeeperDiscoverySpi. getLocalNode()
Gets local node.@Nullable ClusterNode
ZookeeperDiscoverySpi. getNode(UUID nodeId)
Gets node by ID.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.zk that return types with arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<ClusterNode>
ZookeeperDiscoverySpi. getRemoteNodes()
Gets collection of remote nodes in grid or empty collection if no remote nodes found.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.zk with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description void
ZookeeperDiscoverySpi. resolveCommunicationFailure(ClusterNode node, Exception err)
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
FailoverSpi. failover(FailoverContext ctx, List<ClusterNode> top)
This method is called when methodComputeTask.result(org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeJobResult, List)
returns valueComputeJobResultPolicy.FAILOVER
policy indicating that the result of job execution must be failed over.ClusterNode
FailoverContext. getBalancedNode(List<ClusterNode> top)
Gets the next balanced node for failed job.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
FailoverSpi. failover(FailoverContext ctx, List<ClusterNode> top)
This method is called when methodComputeTask.result(org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeJobResult, List)
returns valueComputeJobResultPolicy.FAILOVER
policy indicating that the result of job execution must be failed over.ClusterNode
FailoverContext. getBalancedNode(List<ClusterNode> top)
Gets the next balanced node for failed job. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.always
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.always that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
AlwaysFailoverSpi. failover(FailoverContext ctx, List<ClusterNode> top)
This method is called when methodComputeTask.result(org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeJobResult, List)
returns valueComputeJobResultPolicy.FAILOVER
policy indicating that the result of job execution must be failed over.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.always with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
AlwaysFailoverSpi. failover(FailoverContext ctx, List<ClusterNode> top)
This method is called when methodComputeTask.result(org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeJobResult, List)
returns valueComputeJobResultPolicy.FAILOVER
policy indicating that the result of job execution must be failed over. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.jobstealing
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.jobstealing that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
JobStealingFailoverSpi. failover(FailoverContext ctx, List<ClusterNode> top)
This method is called when methodComputeTask.result(org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeJobResult, List)
returns valueComputeJobResultPolicy.FAILOVER
policy indicating that the result of job execution must be failed over.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.jobstealing with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
JobStealingFailoverSpi. failover(FailoverContext ctx, List<ClusterNode> top)
This method is called when methodComputeTask.result(org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeJobResult, List)
returns valueComputeJobResultPolicy.FAILOVER
policy indicating that the result of job execution must be failed over. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.never
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.never that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
NeverFailoverSpi. failover(FailoverContext ctx, List<ClusterNode> top)
This method is called when methodComputeTask.result(org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeJobResult, List)
returns valueComputeJobResultPolicy.FAILOVER
policy indicating that the result of job execution must be failed over.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.never with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
NeverFailoverSpi. failover(FailoverContext ctx, List<ClusterNode> top)
This method is called when methodComputeTask.result(org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeJobResult, List)
returns valueComputeJobResultPolicy.FAILOVER
policy indicating that the result of job execution must be failed over. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.indexing
Constructors in org.apache.ignite.spi.indexing with parameters of type ClusterNode Constructor Description IndexingQueryCacheFilter(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheAffinityManager aff, Set<Integer> parts, org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion topVer, ClusterNode locNode)
Constructor. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
LoadBalancingSpi. getBalancedNode(ComputeTaskSession ses, List<ClusterNode> top, ComputeJob job)
Gets balanced node for specified job within given task session.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
LoadBalancingSpi. getBalancedNode(ComputeTaskSession ses, List<ClusterNode> top, ComputeJob job)
Gets balanced node for specified job within given task session. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
AdaptiveLoadBalancingSpi. getBalancedNode(ComputeTaskSession ses, List<ClusterNode> top, ComputeJob job)
Gets balanced node for specified job within given task session.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive with parameters of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description double
AdaptiveCpuLoadProbe. getLoad(ClusterNode node, int jobsSentSinceLastUpdate)
Calculates load value for a given node.double
AdaptiveJobCountLoadProbe. getLoad(ClusterNode node, int jobsSentSinceLastUpdate)
Calculates load value for a given node.double
AdaptiveLoadProbe. getLoad(ClusterNode node, int jobsSentSinceLastUpdate)
Calculates load value for a given node.double
AdaptiveProcessingTimeLoadProbe. getLoad(ClusterNode node, int jobsSentSinceLastUpdate)
Calculates load value for a given node.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
AdaptiveLoadBalancingSpi. getBalancedNode(ComputeTaskSession ses, List<ClusterNode> top, ComputeJob job)
Gets balanced node for specified job within given task session. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.roundrobin
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.roundrobin that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi. getBalancedNode(ComputeTaskSession ses, List<ClusterNode> top, ComputeJob job)
Gets balanced node for specified job within given task session.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.roundrobin with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi. getBalancedNode(ComputeTaskSession ses, List<ClusterNode> top, ComputeJob job)
Gets balanced node for specified job within given task session. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.weightedrandom
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.weightedrandom that return ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
WeightedRandomLoadBalancingSpi. getBalancedNode(ComputeTaskSession ses, List<ClusterNode> top, ComputeJob job)
Gets balanced node for specified job within given task session.Method parameters in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.weightedrandom with type arguments of type ClusterNode Modifier and Type Method Description ClusterNode
WeightedRandomLoadBalancingSpi. getBalancedNode(ComputeTaskSession ses, List<ClusterNode> top, ComputeJob job)
Gets balanced node for specified job within given task session. -
Uses of ClusterNode in org.apache.ignite.spi.systemview.view
Constructors in org.apache.ignite.spi.systemview.view with parameters of type ClusterNode Constructor Description ClusterNodeView(ClusterNode n)
NodeMetricsView(ClusterNode node)