<R> R |
IgniteCompute.affinityCall(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
int partId,
IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job on the node where partition is located (the partition is primary on the node)
<R> R |
IgniteCompute.affinityCall(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
Object affKey,
IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
<R> R |
IgniteCompute.affinityCall(String cacheName,
Object affKey,
IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes given job on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
void |
IgniteCompute.affinityRun(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
int partId,
IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job on the node where partition is located (the partition is primary on the node)
void |
IgniteCompute.affinityRun(@NotNull Collection<String> cacheNames,
Object affKey,
IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
void |
IgniteCompute.affinityRun(String cacheName,
Object affKey,
IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes given job on the node where data for provided affinity key is located
(a.k.a. affinity co-location).
<T,R> Collection<R> |
IgniteCompute.apply(IgniteClosure<T,R> job,
Collection<? extends T> args) |
Executes provided closure job on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<R,T> R |
IgniteCompute.apply(IgniteClosure<T,R> job,
T arg) |
Executes provided closure job on a node within the underlying cluster group.
<R1,R2,T> R2 |
IgniteCompute.apply(IgniteClosure<T,R1> job,
Collection<? extends T> args,
IgniteReducer<R1,R2> rdc) |
Executes provided closure job on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<R> Collection<R> |
IgniteCompute.broadcast(IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Broadcasts given job to all nodes in cluster group.
<R,T> Collection<R> |
IgniteCompute.broadcast(IgniteClosure<T,R> job,
T arg) |
Broadcasts given closure job with passed in argument to all nodes in the cluster group.
void |
IgniteCompute.broadcast(IgniteRunnable job) |
Broadcasts given job to all nodes in the cluster group.
<R> Collection<R> |
IgniteCompute.call(Collection<? extends IgniteCallable<R>> jobs) |
Executes collection of jobs on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<R1,R2> R2 |
IgniteCompute.call(Collection<? extends IgniteCallable<R1>> jobs,
IgniteReducer<R1,R2> rdc) |
Executes collection of jobs on nodes within the underlying cluster group.
<R> R |
IgniteCompute.call(IgniteCallable<R> job) |
Executes provided job on a node within the underlying cluster group.
void |
IgniteServices.cancel(String name) |
Cancels service deployment.
void |
IgniteServices.cancelAll() |
Cancels all deployed services.
void |
IgniteServices.cancelAll(Collection<String> names) |
Cancels services with specified names.
void |
IgniteCache.clear() |
Clears the contents of the cache, without notifying listeners or CacheWriter s.
void |
IgniteCache.clear(K key) |
Clears entry from the cache and swap storage, without notifying listeners or
CacheWriter s.
void |
IgniteCache.clearAll(Set<? extends K> keys) |
Clears entries from the cache and swap storage, without notifying listeners or
CacheWriter s.
boolean |
IgniteCache.containsKey(K key) |
boolean |
IgniteCache.containsKeys(Set<? extends K> keys) |
Determines if the Cache contains entries for the specified keys.
void |
IgniteServices.deploy(ServiceConfiguration cfg) |
Deploys multiple instances of the service on the grid according to provided
void |
IgniteServices.deployClusterSingleton(String name,
Service svc) |
Deploys a cluster-wide singleton service.
void |
IgniteServices.deployKeyAffinitySingleton(String name,
Service svc,
@Nullable String cacheName,
Object affKey) |
Deploys one instance of this service on the primary node for a given affinity key.
void |
IgniteServices.deployMultiple(String name,
Service svc,
int totalCnt,
int maxPerNodeCnt) |
Deploys multiple instances of the service on the grid.
void |
IgniteServices.deployNodeSingleton(String name,
Service svc) |
Deploys a per-node singleton service.
<T,R> R |
IgniteCompute.execute(Class<? extends ComputeTask<T,R>> taskCls,
T arg) |
Executes given task on within the cluster group.
<T,R> R |
IgniteCompute.execute(String taskName,
T arg) |
Executes given task within the cluster group.
<T,R> R |
IgniteCompute.execute(ComputeTask<T,R> task,
T arg) |
Executes given task within the cluster group.
V |
IgniteCache.get(K key) |
Map<K,V> |
IgniteCache.getAll(Set<? extends K> keys) |
Map<K,V> |
IgniteCache.getAllOutTx(Set<? extends K> keys) |
Gets values from cache.
V |
IgniteCache.getAndPut(K key,
V val) |
V |
IgniteCache.getAndPutIfAbsent(K key,
V val) |
Stores given key-value pair in cache only if cache had no previous mapping for it.
V |
IgniteCache.getAndRemove(K key) |
V |
IgniteCache.getAndReplace(K key,
V val) |
Collection<CacheEntry<K,V>> |
IgniteCache.getEntries(Set<? extends K> keys) |
Gets a collection of entries from the Cache .
CacheEntry<K,V> |
IgniteCache.getEntry(K key) |
Gets an entry from the cache.
<T> T |
IgniteCache.invoke(K key,
javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor<K,V,T> entryProcessor,
Object... arguments) |
<T> T |
IgniteCache.invoke(K key,
CacheEntryProcessor<K,V,T> entryProcessor,
Object... arguments) |
<T> Map<K,javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult<T>> |
IgniteCache.invokeAll(Map<? extends K,? extends javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor<K,V,T>> map,
Object... args) |
Asynchronously invokes each EntryProcessor from map's values against the correspondent
Cache.Entry specified by map's key set.
<T> Map<K,javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult<T>> |
IgniteCache.invokeAll(Set<? extends K> keys,
javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor<K,V,T> entryProcessor,
Object... args) |
<T> Map<K,javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult<T>> |
IgniteCache.invokeAll(Set<? extends K> keys,
CacheEntryProcessor<K,V,T> entryProcessor,
Object... args) |
void |
IgniteCache.loadCache(@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<K,V> p,
@Nullable Object... args) |
void |
IgniteCache.localLoadCache(@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<K,V> p,
@Nullable Object... args) |
void |
IgniteCache.put(K key,
V val) |
void |
IgniteCache.putAll(Map<? extends K,? extends V> map) |
boolean |
IgniteCache.putIfAbsent(K key,
V val) |
<T extends Event> UUID |
IgniteEvents.remoteListen(int bufSize,
long interval,
boolean autoUnsubscribe,
@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<UUID,T> locLsnr,
@Nullable IgnitePredicate<T> rmtFilter,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Adds event listener for specified events to all nodes in the cluster group (possibly including
local node if it belongs to the cluster group as well).
<T extends Event> UUID |
IgniteEvents.remoteListen(@Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<UUID,T> locLsnr,
@Nullable IgnitePredicate<T> rmtFilter,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Adds event listener for specified events to all nodes in the cluster group (possibly including
local node if it belongs to the cluster group as well).
IgniteMessaging.remoteListen(@Nullable Object topic,
IgniteBiPredicate<UUID,?> p) |
Adds a message listener for a given topic to all nodes in the cluster group (possibly including
this node if it belongs to the cluster group as well).
<T extends Event> List<T> |
IgniteEvents.remoteQuery(IgnitePredicate<T> p,
long timeout,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Queries nodes in this cluster group for events using passed in predicate filter for event
boolean |
IgniteCache.remove(K key) |
boolean |
IgniteCache.remove(K key,
V oldVal) |
void |
IgniteCache.removeAll() |
Removes all of the mappings from this cache.
void |
IgniteCache.removeAll(Set<? extends K> keys) |
boolean |
IgniteCache.replace(K key,
V val) |
boolean |
IgniteCache.replace(K key,
V oldVal,
V newVal) |
void |
IgniteCompute.run(Collection<? extends IgniteRunnable> jobs) |
Executes collection of jobs on grid nodes within the underlying cluster group.
void |
IgniteCompute.run(IgniteRunnable job) |
Executes provided job on a node within the underlying cluster group.
int |
IgniteCache.size(CachePeekMode... peekModes) |
Gets the number of all entries cached across all nodes.
long |
IgniteCache.sizeLong(int partition,
CachePeekMode... peekModes) |
Gets the number of all entries cached in a partition as a long value.
long |
IgniteCache.sizeLong(CachePeekMode... peekModes) |
Gets the number of all entries cached across all nodes as a long value.
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> |
IgniteCluster.startNodes(File file,
boolean restart,
int timeout,
int maxConn) |
Starts one or more nodes on remote host(s).
Collection<ClusterStartNodeResult> |
IgniteCluster.startNodes(Collection<Map<String,Object>> hosts,
@Nullable Map<String,Object> dflts,
boolean restart,
int timeout,
int maxConn) |
Starts one or more nodes on remote host(s).
void |
IgniteEvents.stopRemoteListen(UUID opId) |
Stops listening to remote events.
void |
IgniteMessaging.stopRemoteListen(UUID opId) |
Unregisters all listeners identified with provided operation ID on all nodes in the cluster group.
<T extends Event> T |
IgniteEvents.waitForLocal(@Nullable IgnitePredicate<T> filter,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable int... types) |
Waits for the specified events.