Uses of Class
Packages that use MXBeanDescription Package Description org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.fifo Contains cache FIFO eviction policy Contains cache LRU eviction policy Contains cache sorted eviction policy Contains annotations for Dynamic Contains common classes and interfaces for SPI Contains cache-based implementation for checkpoint Contains JDBC implementation for checkpoint Contains shared file system implementation for checkpoint Contains FIFO based collision SPI Contains job stealing collision SPI Contains priority based collision SPI Contains default TCP/IP-based implementation for communication Contains default local deployment SPI Contains URI-based deployment SPI Contains APIs for topology manager Contains default TCP/IP implementation for discovery Contains Zookeeper Discovery Spi classes and Contains default in-memory implementation for event storage Contains default "always" failover Contains job stealing failover Contains "never" failover Contains adaptive load balancing Contains default round-robin implementation for load balancing Contains weighted random-base implementation for load balancing SPI. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.fifo
Classes in org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.fifo with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
MBean forFIFO
eviction policy.Methods in org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.fifo with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description int
FifoEvictionPolicyMBean. getBatchSize()
Gets batch size.long
FifoEvictionPolicyMBean. getCurrentMemorySize()
Gets current queue size in
FifoEvictionPolicyMBean. getCurrentSize()
Gets current queue size.long
FifoEvictionPolicyMBean. getMaxMemorySize()
Gets maximum allowed cache size in
FifoEvictionPolicyMBean. getMaxSize()
Gets maximum allowed cache size.void
FifoEvictionPolicyMBean. setBatchSize(int batchSize)
Sets batch size.void
FifoEvictionPolicyMBean. setMaxMemorySize(long maxMemSize)
Sets maximum allowed cache size in bytes.void
FifoEvictionPolicyMBean. setMaxSize(int max)
Sets maximum allowed cache size. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.lru
Classes in org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.lru with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
MBean forLRU
eviction policy.Methods in org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.lru with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description int
LruEvictionPolicyMBean. getBatchSize()
Gets batch size.long
LruEvictionPolicyMBean. getCurrentMemorySize()
Gets current queue size in
LruEvictionPolicyMBean. getCurrentSize()
Gets current queue size.long
LruEvictionPolicyMBean. getMaxMemorySize()
Gets maximum allowed cache size in
LruEvictionPolicyMBean. getMaxSize()
Gets maximum allowed cache size.void
LruEvictionPolicyMBean. setBatchSize(int batchSize)
Sets batch size.void
LruEvictionPolicyMBean. setMaxMemorySize(long maxMemSize)
Sets maximum allowed cache size in bytes.void
LruEvictionPolicyMBean. setMaxSize(int max)
Sets maximum allowed cache size. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.sorted
Classes in org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.sorted with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
MBean for sorted eviction policy.Methods in org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.sorted with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description int
SortedEvictionPolicyMBean. getBatchSize()
Gets batch size.long
SortedEvictionPolicyMBean. getCurrentMemorySize()
Gets current sorted entries queue size in
SortedEvictionPolicyMBean. getCurrentSize()
Gets current size.long
SortedEvictionPolicyMBean. getMaxMemorySize()
Gets maximum allowed cache size in
SortedEvictionPolicyMBean. getMaxSize()
Gets maximum allowed cache size.void
SortedEvictionPolicyMBean. setBatchSize(int batchSize)
Sets batch size.void
SortedEvictionPolicyMBean. setMaxMemorySize(long maxMemSize)
Sets maximum allowed cache size in bytes.void
SortedEvictionPolicyMBean. setMaxSize(int max)
Sets maximum allowed cache size. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.mxbean
Classes in org.apache.ignite.mxbean with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.interface
Cluster metrics MBean.interface
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.interface
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.interface
MBean that controls critical failure handling.interface
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.interface
This interface defines JMX view on kernal.interface
This interface defines JMX view onIgnition
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.interface
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.interface
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.interface
Deprecated.Check theJmxMetricExporterSpi
with "name=\"tx\"" instead.interface
Transactions MXBean interface.interface
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.interface
MBean that provides ability to terminate worker that registered in the workers registry.Methods in org.apache.ignite.mxbean with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
IgniteMXBean. active()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "" instead.void
IgniteMXBean. active(boolean active)
Deprecated.UseIgniteMXBean.clusterState(String, boolean)
ClusterMetricsMXBean. attributeNames()
ClusterMetricsMXBean. attributeValues(String attrName)
ComputeMXBean. cancel(String sesId)
Deprecated.Kills compute task by the session idenitifier.boolean
DefragmentationMXBean. cancel()
Deprecated.Cancel defragmentation.void
ServiceMXBean. cancel(String name)
TransactionsMXBean. cancel(String xid)
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.void
QueryMXBean. cancelContinuous(String originNodeId, String routineId)
Deprecated.Kills continuous query by the identifier.void
QueryMXBean. cancelScan(String originNodeId, String cacheName, Long id)
Deprecated.Kills scan query by the identifiers.void
SnapshotMXBean. cancelSnapshot(String snpName)
SnapshotMXBean. cancelSnapshotOperation(String reqId)
Deprecated.Cancel previously started snapshot operation.void
SnapshotMXBean. cancelSnapshotRestore(String name)
QueryMXBean. cancelSQL(String id)
Deprecated.Kills SQL query by the identifier.void
EncryptionMXBean. changeCacheGroupKey(String cacheOrGrpName)
Deprecated.Starts cache group encryption key change process.void
EncryptionMXBean. changeMasterKey(String masterKeyName)
Deprecated.Starts master key change process.void
IgniteMXBean. clearNodeLocalMap()
Clears node local map.String
IgniteMXBean. clusterState()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.clusterState" instead.void
IgniteMXBean. clusterState(String state)
Deprecated.UseIgniteMXBean.clusterState(String, boolean)
IgniteMXBean. clusterState(String state, boolean forceDeactivation)
Changes current cluster state.long
TransactionMetricsMxBean. commitTime()
Deprecated.The last time, when transaction was commited.void
MetricsMxBean. configureHistogramMetric(String name, long[] bounds)
MetricsMxBean. configureHitRateMetric(String name, long rateTimeInterval)
SnapshotMXBean. createSnapshot(String snpName, String snpPath)
Deprecated.Create the cluster-wide snapshot with given name asynchronously.void
ClientProcessorMXBean. dropAllConnections()
Deprecated.Drop all active connections.boolean
ClientProcessorMXBean. dropConnection(long id)
Deprecated.Drops client connection byid
, if exists.void
IgniteMXBean. dumpDebugInfo()
Dumps debug information for the current node.String
IgniteMXBean. executeTask(String taskName, String arg)
A shortcut method that executes given task assuming singlejava.lang.String
argument andjava.lang.String
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getActiveBaselineNodes()
Get count of active baseline nodes.String
TransactionsMXBean. getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration, Integer minSize, String prj, String consistentIds, String xid, String lbRegex, Integer limit, String order, boolean detailed, boolean kill)
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.Map<String,String>
TransactionMetricsMxBean. getAllOwnerTransactions()
Deprecated.All near transactionslong
BaselineAutoAdjustMXBean. getAutoAdjustmentTimeout()
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getAverageActiveJobs()
Gets average number of active jobs concurrently executing on the node.float
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getAverageCancelledJobs()
Gets average number of cancelled jobs this node ever had running concurrently.double
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getAverageCpuLoad()
Gets average of CPU load values over all metrics kept in the history.double
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getAverageJobExecuteTime()
Gets average time a job takes to execute on the node.double
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getAverageJobWaitTime()
Gets average time jobs spend waiting in the queue to be executed.float
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getAverageRejectedJobs()
Gets average number of jobs this node rejects during collision resolution operations.float
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getAverageWaitingJobs()
Gets average number of waiting jobs this node had queued.float
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getBusyTimePercentage()
Gets percentage of time this node is busy executing jobs vs. idling.long
FailureHandlingMxBean. getCheckpointReadLockTimeout()
IgniteMXBean. getCheckpointSpiFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.checkpointSpiFormatted" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getCollisionSpiFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.collisionSpiFormatted" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getCommunicationSpiFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.communicationSpiFormatted" instead.List<String>
ClientProcessorMXBean. getConnections()
Deprecated.Returns list of active connections.String
IgniteMXBean. getCopyright()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.copyright"
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentActiveJobs()
Gets number of currently active jobs concurrently executing on the
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentCancelledJobs()
Gets number of cancelled jobs that are still running.String
IgniteMXBean. getCurrentCoordinatorFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.currentCoordinatorFormatted" instead.double
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentCpuLoad()
Returns the CPU usage in[0, 1]
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentDaemonThreadCount()
Returns the current number of live daemon threads.double
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentGcCpuLoad()
Returns average time spent in CG since the last update.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentIdleTime()
Gets time this node spend idling since executing last job.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentJobExecuteTime()
Gets longest time a current job has been executing for.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentJobWaitTime()
Gets current time an oldest jobs has spent waiting to be executed.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentPmeDuration()
Gets execution duration for current partition map exchange in
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentRejectedJobs()
Gets number of jobs rejected after more recent collision resolution
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentThreadCount()
Returns the current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getCurrentWaitingJobs()
Gets number of queued jobs currently waiting to be executed.String
IgniteMXBean. getDeploymentSpiFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.deploymentSpiFormatted" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getDiscoverySpiFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.discoverySpiFormatted" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getEventStorageSpiFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.eventStorageSpiFormatted" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getExecutorServiceFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.executorServiceFormatted" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getFailoverSpiFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.failoverSpiFormatted" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getFullVersion()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.fullVersion" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getGridLoggerFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.gridLoggerFormatted" instead.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getHeapMemoryCommitted()
Returns the amount of heap memory in bytes that is committed for the JVM to use.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getHeapMemoryInitialized()
Returns the amount of heap memory in bytes that the JVM initially requests from the operating system for memory management.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getHeapMemoryMaximum()
Returns the maximum amount of heap memory in bytes that can be used for memory management.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getHeapMemoryTotal()
Returns the total amount of heap memory in bytes.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getHeapMemoryUsed()
Returns the current heap size that is used for object allocation.UUID
IgniteClusterMXBean. getId()
Deprecated.Gets cluster ID.float
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getIdleTimePercentage()
Gets percentage of time this node is idling vs. executing jobs.String
IgniteMXBean. getIgniteHome()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.igniteHome" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getInstanceName()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.InstanceName" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getJdkInformation()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.jdkInformation" instead.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getLastDataVersion()
In-Memory Data Grid assigns incremental versions to all cache operations.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getLastUpdateTime()
Gets last update time of this node metrics.List<String>
IgniteMXBean. getLifecycleBeansFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.lifecycleBeansFormatted" instead.boolean
FailureHandlingMxBean. getLivenessCheckEnabled()
IgniteMXBean. getLoadBalancingSpiFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.loadBalancingSpiFormatted" instead.UUID
IgniteMXBean. getLocalNodeId()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.localNodeId" instead.long
TransactionMetricsMxBean. getLockedKeysNumber()
Deprecated.The number of keys locked on the node.Map<Long,Long>
IgniteMXBean. getLongJVMPauseLastEvents()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.longJVMPauseLastEvents" instead.long
IgniteMXBean. getLongJVMPausesCount()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.longJVMPausesCount" instead.long
IgniteMXBean. getLongJVMPausesTotalDuration()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.longJVMPausesTotalDuration" instead.long
TransactionsMXBean. getLongOperationsDumpTimeout()
Returns a timeout (in millis) for printing long-running transactions as well as transactions that cannot receive locks for all their keys for a long time.Map<String,String>
TransactionMetricsMxBean. getLongRunningOwnerTransactions(int duration)
Deprecated.Long running near transactionslong
TransactionsMXBean. getLongTransactionTimeDumpThreshold()
Returns threshold timeout in milliseconds for long transactions, if transaction exceeds it, it will be dumped in log with information about how much time did it spent in system time (time while aquiring locks, preparing, commiting, etc.)String
EncryptionMXBean. getMasterKeyName()
Deprecated.Gets the current master key
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getMaximumActiveJobs()
Gets maximum number of jobs that ever ran concurrently on this
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getMaximumCancelledJobs()
Gets maximum number of cancelled jobs this node ever had running concurrently.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getMaximumJobExecuteTime()
Gets time it took to execute the longest job on the node.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getMaximumJobWaitTime()
Gets maximum time a job ever spent waiting in a queue to be
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getMaximumRejectedJobs()
Gets maximum number of jobs rejected at once during a single collision resolution
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getMaximumThreadCount()
Returns the maximum live thread count since the JVM started or peak was
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getMaximumWaitingJobs()
Gets maximum number of waiting jobs this node had.String
IgniteMXBean. getMBeanServerFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.mBeanServerFormatted" instead.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getNodeStartTime()
Returns the start time of grid node in milliseconds.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getNonHeapMemoryCommitted()
Returns the amount of non-heap memory in bytes that is committed for the JVM to use.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getNonHeapMemoryInitialized()
Returns the amount of non-heap memory in bytes that the JVM initially requests from the operating system for memory management.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getNonHeapMemoryMaximum()
Returns the maximum amount of non-heap memory in bytes that can be used for memory management.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getNonHeapMemoryTotal()
Returns the total amount of non-heap memory in bytes that can be used for memory management.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getNonHeapMemoryUsed()
Returns the current non-heap memory size that is used by Java VM.String
IgniteMXBean. getOsInformation()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.osInformation" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getOsUser()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.osUser"
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getOutboundMessagesQueueSize()
Gets outbound messages queue size.long
TransactionMetricsMxBean. getOwnerTransactionsNumber()
Deprecated.The number of active transactions for which this node is the initiator.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getReceivedBytesCount()
Gets received bytes
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getReceivedMessagesCount()
Gets received messages count.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getSentBytesCount()
Gets sent bytes
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getSentMessagesCount()
Gets sent messages count.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getStartTime()
Returns the start time of the JVM in milliseconds.long
IgniteMXBean. getStartTimestamp()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.startTimestamp" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getStartTimestampFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.startTimestampFormatted" instead.String
IgnitionMXBean. getState()
Gets state of default grid instance.String
IgnitionMXBean. getState(String name)
Gets state for a given grid instance.long
FailureHandlingMxBean. getSystemWorkerBlockedTimeout()
IgniteClusterMXBean. getTag()
Deprecated.Gets current cluster tag.String
BaselineAutoAdjustMXBean. getTaskState()
BaselineAutoAdjustMXBean. getTimeUntilAutoAdjust()
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTopologyVersion()
Get current topology
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalBaselineNodes()
Get count of total baseline nodes.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalBusyTime()
Gets total time this node spent executing
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalCancelledJobs()
Gets number of cancelled jobs since node
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalClientNodes()
Get count of client
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalCpus()
Returns the number of CPUs available to the Java Virtual
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalExecutedJobs()
Gets total number of jobs handled by the node since node
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalExecutedTasks()
Gets total number of tasks handled by the node.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalIdleTime()
Gets total time this node spent idling (not executing any jobs).long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalJobsExecutionTime()
Gets total time all finished jobs takes to execute on the node since node
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalNodes()
Gets total number of
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalRejectedJobs()
Gets total number of jobs this node rejects during collision resolution operations since node
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalServerNodes()
Get count of server nodes.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getTotalStartedThreadCount()
Returns the total number of threads created and also started since the JVM started.long
TransactionMetricsMxBean. getTransactionsCommittedNumber()
Deprecated.The number of transactions which were committed.long
TransactionMetricsMxBean. getTransactionsHoldingLockNumber()
Deprecated.The number of active transactions holding at least one key lock.long
TransactionMetricsMxBean. getTransactionsRolledBackNumber()
Deprecated.The number of transactions which were rollback.double
TransactionsMXBean. getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient()
Returns the coefficient for samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in
TransactionsMXBean. getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesPerSecondLimit()
Returns the limit of samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log per second, ifTransactionsMXBean.getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient()
is above0.0
TransactionsMXBean. getTxKeyCollisionsInterval()
TransactionsMXBean. getTxOwnerDumpRequestsAllowed()
Shows if dump requests from local node to near node are allowed, when long running transaction is found.long
TransactionsMXBean. getTxTimeoutOnPartitionMapExchange()
Gets transaction timeout on partition map exchange.long
ClusterMetricsMXBean. getUpTime()
Returns the uptime of the JVM in milliseconds.long
IgniteMXBean. getUpTime()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.upTime" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getUpTimeFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.uptimeFormatted" instead.List<String>
IgniteMXBean. getUserAttributesFormatted()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.userAttributesFormatted" instead.String
IgniteMXBean. getVmName()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.VmName"
DataStorageMXBean. getWalCompactionLevel()
WorkersControlMXBean. getWorkerNames()
Returns names of all registered workers.boolean
DefragmentationMXBean. inProgress()
Deprecated.Get defragmentation status.boolean
BaselineAutoAdjustMXBean. isAutoAdjustmentEnabled()
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.boolean
IgniteMXBean. isNodeInBaseline()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.isNodeInBaseline" instead.boolean
IgniteMXBean. isPeerClassLoadingEnabled()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.isPeerClassLoadingEnabled" instead.boolean
IgniteMXBean. isRebalanceEnabled()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.isRebalanceEnabled" instead.long
IgniteMXBean. lastClusterStateChangeTime()
Deprecated.Check theReadOnlyMetricRegistry
with "name=ignite.lastClusterStateChangeTime" instead.Set<UUID>
ClusterMetricsMXBean. nodeIdsForAttribute(String attrName, String attrVal, boolean includeSrvs, boolean includeClients)
IgniteMXBean. pingNode(String nodeId)
Pings node with given node ID to see whether it is alive.boolean
IgniteMXBean. pingNodeByAddress(String host)
Pings node with given host name to see if it is alive.void
IgniteMXBean. printLastErrors()
DefragmentationMXBean. processedPartitions()
Deprecated.Get count of processed partitions.boolean
IgniteMXBean. removeCheckpoint(String key)
This method allows manually remove the checkpoint with givenkey
MetricsMxBean. resetMetrics(String registry)
Deprecated.Resets metrics for of a given registry.void
IgnitionMXBean. restart(boolean cancel)
Restart JVM.void
SnapshotMXBean. restoreSnapshot(String name, String path, String cacheGroupNames)
Deprecated.Restore cluster-wide snapshot.void
SnapshotMXBean. restoreSnapshot(String name, String path, String cacheGroupNames, int incIdx)
Deprecated.Restore cluster-wide snapshot and its increments.long
TransactionMetricsMxBean. rollbackTime()
Deprecated.The last time, when transaction was rollbacked.void
PerformanceStatisticsMBean. rotate()
Deprecated.Rotate performance statistics in the cluster.void
IgniteMXBean. runIoTest(long warmup, long duration, int threads, long maxLatency, int rangesCnt, int payLoadSize, boolean procFromNioThread)
Runs IO latency test against all remote server nodes in cluster.boolean
DefragmentationMXBean. schedule(String cacheNames)
Deprecated.Schedule defragmentation for given caches.void
BaselineAutoAdjustMXBean. setAutoAdjustmentEnabled(boolean enabled)
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.void
BaselineAutoAdjustMXBean. setAutoAdjustmentTimeout(long timeout)
Deprecated.Use managements API beans, instead.void
TransactionsMXBean. setLongOperationsDumpTimeout(long timeout)
Setting a timeout (in millis) for printing long-running transactions as well as transactions that cannot receive locks for all their keys for a long time.void
TransactionsMXBean. setLongTransactionTimeDumpThreshold(long threshold)
Sets threshold timeout in milliseconds for long transactions, if transaction exceeds it, it will be dumped in log with information about how much time did it spent in system time (time while aquiring locks, preparing, commiting, etc.)void
TransactionsMXBean. setTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient(double coefficient)
Sets the coefficient for samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log.void
TransactionsMXBean. setTransactionTimeDumpSamplesPerSecondLimit(int limit)
Sets the limit of samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log per second, ifTransactionsMXBean.getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient()
is above0.0
TransactionsMXBean. setTxKeyCollisionsInterval(int timeout)
Set timeout interval for tx key contention analysis.void
TransactionsMXBean. setTxOwnerDumpRequestsAllowed(boolean allowed)
Sets if dump requests from local node to near node are allowed, when long running transaction is found.void
TransactionsMXBean. setTxTimeoutOnPartitionMapExchange(long timeout)
Sets transaction timeout on partition map exchange.void
DataStorageMXBean. setWalCompactionLevel(int walCompactionLevel)
Sets ZIP compression level to WAL compaction.void
ClientProcessorMXBean. showFullStackOnClientSide(boolean show)
Deprecated.If sets totrue
shows full stack trace otherwise highlevel short error message.void
PerformanceStatisticsMBean. start()
Deprecated.Start collecting performance statistics in the cluster.boolean
PerformanceStatisticsMBean. started()
DefragmentationMXBean. startTime()
Deprecated.Get defragmentation's start time.String
SnapshotMXBean. status()
Deprecated.Get the status of the current snapshot operation in the cluster.boolean
IgnitionMXBean. stop(boolean cancel)
Stops default grid instance.boolean
IgnitionMXBean. stop(String name, boolean cancel)
Stops named Ignite instance.void
PerformanceStatisticsMBean. stop()
Deprecated.Stop collecting performance statistics in the cluster.void
IgnitionMXBean. stopAll(boolean cancel)
Stops all started grids.boolean
WorkersControlMXBean. stopThreadById(long id)
Stops thread byid
, if exists.boolean
WorkersControlMXBean. stopThreadByUniqueName(String name)
Stops thread byname
, if exists and unique.void
WarmUpMXBean. stopWarmUp()
Deprecated.Stop warm-up.void
IgniteClusterMXBean. tag(String newTag)
Deprecated.Changes cluster tag to provided value.boolean
WorkersControlMXBean. terminateWorker(String name)
DefragmentationMXBean. totalPartitions()
Deprecated.Get total count of
TransactionMetricsMxBean. txCommits()
Deprecated.The total number of commited
TransactionMetricsMxBean. txRollbacks()
Deprecated.Tne total number of rollbacked transactions.void
IgniteMXBean. undeployTaskFromGrid(String taskName)
Makes the best attempt to undeploy a task from the whole grid. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description String
IgniteSpiManagementMBean. getIgniteHome()
Gets Ignite installation home folder (i.e.UUID
IgniteSpiManagementMBean. getLocalNodeId()
Gets ID of the local node.String
IgniteSpiManagementMBean. getName()
Gets name of the SPI.long
IgniteSpiManagementMBean. getStartTimestamp()
Get start timestamp of this SPI.String
IgniteSpiManagementMBean. getStartTimestampFormatted()
Gets string presentation of the start timestamp.long
IgniteSpiManagementMBean. getUpTime()
Gets up-time of this SPI in ms.String
IgniteSpiManagementMBean. getUpTimeFormatted()
Gets string presentation of up-time for this SPI. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.cache
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.cache with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean that provides general administrative and configuration information about cache checkpoint SPI.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.cache with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description String
CacheCheckpointSpiMBean. getCacheName()
Gets cache name to be used by this SPI.. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.jdbc
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.jdbc with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean that provides general administrative and configuration information about jdbc checkpoint SPI.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.jdbc with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description String
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getCheckpointTableName()
Gets checkpoint table name.String
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getDataSourceInfo()
Gets data source description.String
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getExpireDateFieldName()
Gets expiration date field name for checkpoint table.String
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getExpireDateFieldType()
Gets expiration date field type for checkpoint table.String
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getKeyFieldName()
Gets key field name for checkpoint table.String
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getKeyFieldType()
Gets key field type for checkpoint
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getNumberOfRetries()
Gets number of retries in case of DB failure.String
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getPwd()
Gets checkpoint jdbc password.String
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getUser()
Gets checkpoint jdbc user name.String
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getValueFieldName()
Gets value field name for checkpoint table.String
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean. getValueFieldType()
Gets value field type for checkpoint table. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.sharedfs
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.sharedfs with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean that provides general administrative and configuration information about shared file system checkpoints.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.sharedfs with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description String
SharedFsCheckpointSpiMBean. getCurrentDirectoryPath()
Gets path to the directory where all checkpoints are saved.Collection<String>
SharedFsCheckpointSpiMBean. getDirectoryPaths()
Gets collection of all configured paths where checkpoints can be saved. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.fifoqueue
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.fifoqueue with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean that provides access to the FIFO queue collision SPI configuration.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.fifoqueue with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description int
FifoQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentActiveJobsNumber()
Gets current number of jobs that are active,
FifoQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentHeldJobsNumber()
Gets number of currently'held'
FifoQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentRunningJobsNumber()
Gets number of currently running (not'held
FifoQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentWaitJobsNumber()
Gets current number of jobs that wait for the
FifoQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getParallelJobsNumber()
Gets number of jobs that can be executed in
FifoQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getWaitingJobsNumber()
Maximum number of jobs that are allowed to wait in waiting queue.void
FifoQueueCollisionSpiMBean. setParallelJobsNumber(int num)
Sets number of jobs that can be executed in parallel.void
FifoQueueCollisionSpiMBean. setWaitingJobsNumber(int num)
Sets maximum number of jobs that are allowed to wait in waiting queue. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.jobstealing
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.jobstealing with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management MBean for job stealing based collision SPI.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.jobstealing with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description int
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getActiveJobsThreshold()
Gets number of jobs that can be executed in
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentActiveJobsNumber()
Gets current number of jobs that are being
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentHeldJobsNumber()
Gets number of currently'held'
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentJobsToStealNumber()
Gets current number of jobs to be
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentRunningJobsNumber()
Gets number of currently running (not'held
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentWaitJobsNumber()
Gets current number of jobs that wait for the
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getMaximumStealingAttempts()
Gets maximum number of attempts to steal job by another node.long
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getMessageExpireTime()
Message expire time configuration parameter.Map<String,? extends Serializable>
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getStealingAttributes()
Configuration parameter to enable stealing to/from only nodes that have these attributes set (seeClusterNode.attribute(String)
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getTotalStolenJobsNumber()
Gets total number of stolen
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. getWaitJobsThreshold()
Gets job count threshold at which this node will start stealing jobs from other nodes.boolean
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. isStealingEnabled()
Gets flag indicating whether this node should attempt to steal jobs from other nodes.void
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. setActiveJobsThreshold(int activeJobsThreshold)
Sets number of jobs that can be executed in parallel.void
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. setMaximumStealingAttempts(int maximumStealingAttempts)
Gets maximum number of attempts to steal job by another node.void
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. setMessageExpireTime(long msgExpireTime)
Message expire time configuration parameter.void
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. setStealingEnabled(boolean stealingEnabled)
Gets flag indicating whether this node should attempt to steal jobs from other nodes.void
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean. setWaitJobsThreshold(int waitJobsThreshold)
Sets job count threshold at which this node will start stealing jobs from other nodes. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.priorityqueue
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.priorityqueue with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean that provides access to the priority queue collision SPI configuration.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.priorityqueue with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description int
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentActiveJobsNumber()
Gets current number of jobs that are active,
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentHeldJobsNumber()
Gets number of currently'held'
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentRunningJobsNumber()
Gets number of currently running (not'held
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getCurrentWaitJobsNumber()
Gets current number of jobs that wait for the
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getDefaultPriority()
Gets default priority to use if a job does not have priority attribute set.String
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getJobPriorityAttributeKey()
Gets key name of job priority
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getParallelJobsNumber()
Gets number of jobs that can be executed in parallel.String
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getPriorityAttributeKey()
Gets key name of task priority
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getStarvationIncrement()
Gets value to increment job priority by every time a lower priority job gets behind a higher priority
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. getWaitingJobsNumber()
Maximum number of jobs that are allowed to wait in waiting queue.boolean
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. isStarvationPreventionEnabled()
Gets flag indicating whether job starvation prevention is enabled.void
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. setDefaultPriority(int priority)
Sets default priority to use if a job does not have priority attribute set.void
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. setParallelJobsNumber(int num)
Sets number of jobs that can be executed in parallel.void
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. setStarvationIncrement(int increment)
Sets value to increment job priority by every time a lower priority job gets behind a higher priority job.void
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. setStarvationPreventionEnabled(boolean preventStarvation)
Sets flag indicating whether job starvation prevention is enabled.void
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean. setWaitingJobsNumber(int num)
Maximum number of jobs that are allowed to wait in waiting queue. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
MBean provide access to TCP-based communication SPI.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description void
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. dumpStats()
Dumps SPI per-connection stats to
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getAckSendThreshold()
Gets number of received messages per connection to node after which acknowledgment message is
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getConnectionsPerNode()
Gets number of connections to each remote node. ifTcpCommunicationSpiMBean.isUsePairedConnections()
then number of connections is doubled and half is used for incoming and half for outgoing messages.long
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getConnectTimeout()
Gets connect timeout used when establishing connection with remote nodes.long
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getIdleConnectionTimeout()
Gets maximum idle connection time upon which idle connections will be closed.String
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getLocalAddress()
Gets local host address for socket
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getLocalPort()
Gets local port for socket
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getLocalPortRange()
Gets maximum number of local ports tried if all previously tried ports are occupied.long
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getMaxConnectTimeout()
Gets maximum connect
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getMessageQueueLimit()
Gets message queue limit for incoming and outgoing
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getOutboundMessagesQueueSize()
Gets outbound messages queue size.long
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getReceivedBytesCount()
Gets received bytes count.Map<UUID,Long>
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getReceivedMessagesByNode()
Gets received messages counts (grouped by node).Map<String,Long>
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getReceivedMessagesByType()
Gets received messages counts (grouped by type).int
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getReceivedMessagesCount()
Gets received messages
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getReconnectCount()
Gets maximum number of reconnect attempts used when establishing connection with remote
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSelectorsCount()
Gets count of selectors used in TCP server.long
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSelectorSpins()
Defines how many non-blockingselector.selectNow()
should be made before falling
in NIO server.long
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSentBytesCount()
Gets sent bytes count.Map<UUID,Long>
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSentMessagesByNode()
Gets sent messages counts (grouped by node).Map<String,Long>
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSentMessagesByType()
Gets sent messages counts (grouped by type).int
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSentMessagesCount()
Gets sent messages
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSharedMemoryPort()
Deprecated.This property will be removed in future
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSlowClientQueueLimit()
Gets slow client queue
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSocketReceiveBuffer()
Gets receive buffer size for sockets created or accepted by this
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSocketSendBuffer()
Gets send buffer size for sockets created or accepted by this SPI.long
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getSocketWriteTimeout()
Gets socket write timeout for TCP
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. getUnacknowledgedMessagesBufferSize()
Gets maximum number of stored unacknowledged messages per connection to node.boolean
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. isDirectBuffer()
Gets flag that indicates whether direct or heap allocated buffer is used.boolean
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. isDirectSendBuffer()
Gets flag defining whether direct send buffer should be used.boolean
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. isTcpNoDelay()
Gets value forTCP_NODELAY
socket option.boolean
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean. isUsePairedConnections()
should maintain connection for outgoing and incoming messages separately. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.local
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.local with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management MBean forLocalDeploymentSpi
SPI. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.uri
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.uri with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean forUriDeploymentSpi
.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.uri with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description String
UriDeploymentSpiMBean. getTemporaryDirectoryPath()
Gets temporary directory path.List<String>
UriDeploymentSpiMBean. getUriList()
Gets list of URIs that are processed by SPI.boolean
UriDeploymentSpiMBean. isCheckMd5()
Indicates if this SPI should check new deployment units md5 for redundancy. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description void
DiscoverySpiMBean. excludeNode(String nodeId)
Exclude node from discovery.@Nullable UUID
DiscoverySpiMBean. getCoordinator()
instead.@Nullable String
DiscoverySpiMBean. getCoordinatorNodeFormatted()
Gets current coordinator node formatted as a string.String
DiscoverySpiMBean. getLocalNodeFormatted()
Gets local node formatted as a string.long
DiscoverySpiMBean. getNodesFailed()
Gets failed nodes count.long
DiscoverySpiMBean. getNodesJoined()
Gets joined nodes count.long
DiscoverySpiMBean. getNodesLeft()
Gets left nodes count.String
DiscoverySpiMBean. getSpiState()
Gets current SPI state. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean forTcpDiscoverySpi
.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description void
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. checkRingLatency(int maxHops)
Diagnosis method for determining ring message latency.void
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. dumpDebugInfo()
Dumps debug info using configured logger.void
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. dumpRingStructure()
Dumps ring structure to log.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getAckTimeout()
Gets message acknowledgement timeout.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getAvgMessageProcessingTime()
Gets avg message processing time.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getConnectionCheckInterval()
Gets connection check interval in ms.@Nullable UUID
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getCoordinator()
Gets current coordinator.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getCoordinatorSinceTimestamp()
Gets time local node has been coordinator since.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getCurrentTopologyVersion()
Current topology version.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getIpFinderCleanFrequency()
Gets frequency with which coordinator cleans IP finder and keeps it in the correct state, unregistering addresses of the nodes that have left the topology.String
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getIpFinderFormatted()
(string representation).long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getJoinTimeout()
The join timeout, in
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getLocalPort()
Gets local TCP port SPI listens
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getLocalPortRange()
Gets local TCP port range.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getMaxAckTimeout()
Gets maximum message acknowledgement timeout.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getMaxMessageProcessingTime()
Gets max message processing
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getMessageWorkerQueueSize()
Gets message worker queue current size.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getNetworkTimeout()
Gets network timeout.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getNodesFailed()
Gets failed nodes count.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getNodesJoined()
Gets joined nodes count.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getNodesLeft()
Gets left nodes count.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getPendingMessagesDiscarded()
Gets pending messages discarded count.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getPendingMessagesRegistered()
Gets pending messages registered count.Map<String,Integer>
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getProcessedMessages()
Gets processed messages counts (grouped by type).Map<String,Integer>
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getReceivedMessages()
Gets received messages counts (grouped by type).int
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getReconnectCount()
Gets number of connection attempts.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getSocketTimeout()
Gets socket timeout.String
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getSpiState()
Gets current SPI state.long
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getStatisticsPrintFrequency()
Gets statistics print
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getThreadPriority()
Gets thread
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getTotalProcessedMessages()
Gets total processed messages
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. getTotalReceivedMessages()
Gets total received messages count.boolean
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean. isClientMode()
Whether or not discovery is started in client mode. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.zk
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.zk with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean forZookeeperDiscoverySpi
.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.zk with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description long
ZookeeperDiscoverySpiMBean. getCommErrorProcNum()
Gets number of communication resolver called.long
ZookeeperDiscoverySpiMBean. getNodeOrder()
Gets node join order.String
ZookeeperDiscoverySpiMBean. getZkConnectionString()
Gets connection string used to connect to ZooKeeper cluster.String
ZookeeperDiscoverySpiMBean. getZkRootPath()
Gets root path in ZooKeeper cluster Zk client uses to put data to.String
ZookeeperDiscoverySpiMBean. getZkSessionId()
Gets session id of Zk client established with ZooKeeper cluster.long
ZookeeperDiscoverySpiMBean. getZkSessionTimeout()
Gets session timeout used by Zk client of local Ignite node. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.eventstorage.memory
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.eventstorage.memory with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean forMemoryEventStorageSpi
.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.eventstorage.memory with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description void
MemoryEventStorageSpiMBean. clearAll()
Removes all events from the event queue.long
MemoryEventStorageSpiMBean. getExpireAgeMs()
Gets event time-to-live value.long
MemoryEventStorageSpiMBean. getExpireCount()
Gets maximum event queue size.long
MemoryEventStorageSpiMBean. getQueueSize()
Gets current queue size of the event queue. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.always
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.always with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean forAlwaysFailoverSpi
.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.always with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description int
AlwaysFailoverSpiMBean. getMaximumFailoverAttempts()
Gets maximum number of attempts to execute a failed job on another
AlwaysFailoverSpiMBean. getTotalFailoverJobsCount()
Get total number of jobs that were failed over. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.jobstealing
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.jobstealing with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean forJobStealingFailoverSpi
.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.jobstealing with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description int
JobStealingFailoverSpiMBean. getMaximumFailoverAttempts()
Gets maximum number of attempts to execute a failed job on another
JobStealingFailoverSpiMBean. getTotalFailedOverJobsCount()
Get total number of jobs that were failed over including stolen
JobStealingFailoverSpiMBean. getTotalStolenJobsCount()
Get total number of jobs that were stolen. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.never
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.never with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean forNeverFailoverSpi
. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management MBean forAdaptiveLoadBalancingSpi
SPI.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.adaptive with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description String
AdaptiveLoadBalancingSpiMBean. getLoadProbeFormatted()
Gets text description of current load probing implementation used. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.roundrobin
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.roundrobin with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management bean forRoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi
SPI.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.roundrobin with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpiMBean. isPerTask()
Configuration parameter indicating whether a new round robin order should be created for every task. -
Uses of MXBeanDescription in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.weightedrandom
Classes in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.weightedrandom with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Management MBean forWeightedRandomLoadBalancingSpi
SPI.Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.weightedrandom with annotations of type MXBeanDescription Modifier and Type Method Description int
WeightedRandomLoadBalancingSpiMBean. getNodeWeight()
Gets weight of this node.boolean
WeightedRandomLoadBalancingSpiMBean. isUseWeights()
Checks whether node weights are considered when doing random load balancing.