Uses of Class
Packages that use IgniteUuid Package Description org.apache.ignite Contains entry-point Ignite & HPC Contains Compute Grid Contains Event Subscription functionality together with various events emitted by Contains general language constructs and functional APIs for distributed Contains extendable components for Contains common classes and interfaces for SPI ContainsSystemView
clases that exists in org.apache.ignite.transactions Contains transaction-related classes. -
Uses of IgniteUuid in org.apache.ignite
Methods in org.apache.ignite that return types with arguments of type IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description <R> Map<IgniteUuid,ComputeTaskFuture<R>>
IgniteCompute. activeTaskFutures()
Gets tasks future for active tasks started on local node. -
Uses of IgniteUuid in org.apache.ignite.compute
Methods in org.apache.ignite.compute that return IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description IgniteUuid
ComputeTaskSession. getId()
Gets session ID of the task being executed.IgniteUuid
ComputeJobContext. getJobId()
Gets ID of the job this context belongs to.IgniteUuid
ComputeJobSibling. getJobId()
Gets ID of this grid job sibling.Methods in org.apache.ignite.compute with parameters of type IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description @Nullable ComputeJobSibling
ComputeTaskSession. getJobSibling(IgniteUuid jobId)
Gets job sibling for a given ID. -
Uses of IgniteUuid in
Methods in that return IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description IgniteUuid
Event. id()
Gets globally unique ID of this event.IgniteUuid
EventAdapter. id()
Gets globally unique ID of this event.IgniteUuid
JobEvent. jobId()
Gets job ID.IgniteUuid
JobEvent. taskSessionId()
Gets task session ID of the task that triggered this event.IgniteUuid
TaskEvent. taskSessionId()
Gets session ID of the task that triggered the event.IgniteUuid
CacheEvent. xid()
ID of surrounding cache transaction or null if there is no surrounding transaction.Methods in with parameters of type IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description void
JobEvent. jobId(IgniteUuid jobId)
Sets job ID.void
JobEvent. taskSessionId(IgniteUuid sesId)
Sets task session ID of the task that triggered this event.Constructors in with parameters of type IgniteUuid Constructor Description CacheEvent(String cacheName, ClusterNode node, @Nullable ClusterNode evtNode, String msg, int type, int part, boolean near, Object key, IgniteUuid xid, String txLbl, Object lockId, Object newVal, boolean hasNewVal, Object oldVal, boolean hasOldVal, UUID subjId, String cloClsName, String taskName)
Constructs cache event.TaskEvent(ClusterNode node, String msg, int type, IgniteUuid sesId, String taskName, String taskClsName, boolean internal, @Nullable UUID subjId)
Creates task event with given parameters. -
Uses of IgniteUuid in org.apache.ignite.lang
Methods in org.apache.ignite.lang that return IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description static IgniteUuid
IgniteUuid. fromString(String s)
Converts string intoIgniteUuid
.static IgniteUuid
IgniteUuid. fromUuid(UUID id)
Constructs newIgniteUuid
based on global and local ID portions.static IgniteUuid
IgniteUuid. randomUuid()
Creates new pseudo-random ID.Methods in org.apache.ignite.lang that return types with arguments of type IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.GridIterator<IgniteUuid>
IgniteUuid. iterator()
Methods in org.apache.ignite.lang with parameters of type IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description int
IgniteUuid. compareTo(IgniteUuid o)
Uses of IgniteUuid in org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication
Methods in org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication that return IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description IgniteUuid
MessageReader. readIgniteUuid(String name)
.Methods in org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication with parameters of type IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
MessageWriter. writeIgniteUuid(String name, IgniteUuid val)
. -
Uses of IgniteUuid in org.apache.ignite.spi
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi that return IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description IgniteUuid
IgniteSpiTimeoutObject. id()
Uses of IgniteUuid in org.apache.ignite.spi.systemview.view
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.systemview.view that return IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description IgniteUuid
ComputeJobView. id()
ComputeTaskView. id()
ComputeTaskView. jobId()
ServiceView. serviceId()
ComputeJobView. sessionId()
value equal to the value ofComputeTaskView.sessionId()
if both records represents parts of the same computation.IgniteUuid
ComputeTaskView. sessionId()
value equal to the value ofComputeJobView.sessionId()
if both records represents parts of the same computation.IgniteUuid
TransactionView. xid()
Constructors in org.apache.ignite.spi.systemview.view with parameters of type IgniteUuid Constructor Description ComputeJobView(IgniteUuid id, org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.job.GridJobWorker job, ComputeJobView.ComputeJobState state)
ComputeTaskView(IgniteUuid id, org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.task.GridTaskWorker worker)
Uses of IgniteUuid in org.apache.ignite.spi.systemview.view.datastructures
Methods in org.apache.ignite.spi.systemview.view.datastructures that return IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description IgniteUuid
QueueView. id()
SetView. id()
Uses of IgniteUuid in org.apache.ignite.transactions
Methods in org.apache.ignite.transactions that return IgniteUuid Modifier and Type Method Description IgniteUuid
Transaction. xid()
Gets unique identifier for this transaction.