Set<String> |
ClusterMetricsMXBean.attributeValues(String attrName) |
void |
ComputeMXBean.cancel(String sesId) |
Kills compute task by the session idenitifier.
void |
ServiceMXBean.cancel(String name) |
void |
TransactionsMXBean.cancel(String xid) |
void |
QueryMXBean.cancelContinuous(String originNodeId,
String routineId) |
Kills continuous query by the identifier.
void |
QueryMXBean.cancelContinuous(String originNodeId,
String routineId) |
Kills continuous query by the identifier.
void |
QueryMXBean.cancelScan(String originNodeId,
String cacheName,
Long id) |
Kills scan query by the identifiers.
void |
QueryMXBean.cancelScan(String originNodeId,
String cacheName,
Long id) |
Kills scan query by the identifiers.
void |
QueryMXBean.cancelScan(String originNodeId,
String cacheName,
Long id) |
Kills scan query by the identifiers.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.cancelSnapshot(String snpName) |
void |
SnapshotMXBean.cancelSnapshotOperation(String reqId) |
Cancel previously started snapshot operation.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.cancelSnapshotRestore(String name) |
void |
QueryMXBean.cancelSQL(String id) |
Kills SQL query by the identifier.
void |
EncryptionMXBean.changeCacheGroupKey(String cacheOrGrpName) |
Starts cache group encryption key change process.
void |
EncryptionMXBean.changeMasterKey(String masterKeyName) |
Starts master key change process.
void |
IgniteMXBean.clusterState(String state) |
void |
IgniteMXBean.clusterState(String state,
boolean forceDeactivation) |
Changes current cluster state.
void |
IgniteMXBean.clusterState(String state,
boolean forceDeactivation) |
Changes current cluster state.
void |
MetricsMxBean.configureHistogramMetric(String name,
long[] bounds) |
void |
MetricsMxBean.configureHistogramMetric(String name,
long[] bounds) |
void |
MetricsMxBean.configureHitRateMetric(String name,
long rateTimeInterval) |
Change HitRateMetric configuration.
void |
MetricsMxBean.configureHitRateMetric(String name,
long rateTimeInterval) |
Change HitRateMetric configuration.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.createIncrementalSnapshot(String fullSnapshot,
String fullSnapshotPath) |
Create the cluster-wide incremental snapshot for the given full snapshot.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.createIncrementalSnapshot(String fullSnapshot,
String fullSnapshotPath) |
Create the cluster-wide incremental snapshot for the given full snapshot.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.createSnapshot(String snpName,
String snpPath) |
Create the cluster-wide snapshot with given name asynchronously.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.createSnapshot(String snpName,
String snpPath) |
Create the cluster-wide snapshot with given name asynchronously.
boolean |
ClientProcessorMXBean.dropConnection(long id) |
Drops client connection by id , if exists.
String |
IgniteMXBean.executeTask(String taskName,
String arg) |
A shortcut method that executes given task assuming single java.lang.String argument
and java.lang.String return type.
String |
IgniteMXBean.executeTask(String taskName,
String arg) |
A shortcut method that executes given task assuming single java.lang.String argument
and java.lang.String return type.
String |
TransactionsMXBean.getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration,
Integer minSize,
String prj,
String consistentIds,
String xid,
String lbRegex,
Integer limit,
String order,
boolean detailed,
boolean kill) |
String |
TransactionsMXBean.getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration,
Integer minSize,
String prj,
String consistentIds,
String xid,
String lbRegex,
Integer limit,
String order,
boolean detailed,
boolean kill) |
String |
TransactionsMXBean.getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration,
Integer minSize,
String prj,
String consistentIds,
String xid,
String lbRegex,
Integer limit,
String order,
boolean detailed,
boolean kill) |
String |
TransactionsMXBean.getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration,
Integer minSize,
String prj,
String consistentIds,
String xid,
String lbRegex,
Integer limit,
String order,
boolean detailed,
boolean kill) |
String |
TransactionsMXBean.getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration,
Integer minSize,
String prj,
String consistentIds,
String xid,
String lbRegex,
Integer limit,
String order,
boolean detailed,
boolean kill) |
String |
TransactionsMXBean.getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration,
Integer minSize,
String prj,
String consistentIds,
String xid,
String lbRegex,
Integer limit,
String order,
boolean detailed,
boolean kill) |
String |
TransactionsMXBean.getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration,
Integer minSize,
String prj,
String consistentIds,
String xid,
String lbRegex,
Integer limit,
String order,
boolean detailed,
boolean kill) |
String |
TransactionsMXBean.getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration,
Integer minSize,
String prj,
String consistentIds,
String xid,
String lbRegex,
Integer limit,
String order,
boolean detailed,
boolean kill) |
String |
TransactionsMXBean.getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration,
Integer minSize,
String prj,
String consistentIds,
String xid,
String lbRegex,
Integer limit,
String order,
boolean detailed,
boolean kill) |
String |
TransactionsMXBean.getActiveTransactions(Long minDuration,
Integer minSize,
String prj,
String consistentIds,
String xid,
String lbRegex,
Integer limit,
String order,
boolean detailed,
boolean kill) |
Map<String,String> |
TransactionMetricsMxBean.getLongRunningOwnerTransactions(int duration) |
Long running near transactions
String |
IgnitionMXBean.getState(String name) |
Gets state for a given grid instance.
Set<UUID> |
ClusterMetricsMXBean.nodeIdsForAttribute(String attrName,
String attrVal,
boolean includeSrvs,
boolean includeClients) |
Set<UUID> |
ClusterMetricsMXBean.nodeIdsForAttribute(String attrName,
String attrVal,
boolean includeSrvs,
boolean includeClients) |
Set<UUID> |
ClusterMetricsMXBean.nodeIdsForAttribute(String attrName,
String attrVal,
boolean includeSrvs,
boolean includeClients) |
Set<UUID> |
ClusterMetricsMXBean.nodeIdsForAttribute(String attrName,
String attrVal,
boolean includeSrvs,
boolean includeClients) |
boolean |
IgniteMXBean.pingNode(String nodeId) |
Pings node with given node ID to see whether it is alive.
boolean |
IgniteMXBean.pingNodeByAddress(String host) |
Pings node with given host name to see if it is alive.
boolean |
IgniteMXBean.removeCheckpoint(String key) |
This method allows manually remove the checkpoint with given key .
void |
MetricsMxBean.resetMetrics(String registry) |
Resets metrics for of a given registry.
void |
IgnitionMXBean.restart(boolean cancel) |
Restart JVM.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.restoreSnapshot(String name,
String path,
String cacheGroupNames) |
Restore cluster-wide snapshot.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.restoreSnapshot(String name,
String path,
String cacheGroupNames) |
Restore cluster-wide snapshot.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.restoreSnapshot(String name,
String path,
String cacheGroupNames) |
Restore cluster-wide snapshot.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.restoreSnapshot(String name,
String path,
String cacheGroupNames,
int incIdx) |
Restore cluster-wide snapshot and its increments.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.restoreSnapshot(String name,
String path,
String cacheGroupNames,
int incIdx) |
Restore cluster-wide snapshot and its increments.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.restoreSnapshot(String name,
String path,
String cacheGroupNames,
int incIdx) |
Restore cluster-wide snapshot and its increments.
void |
SnapshotMXBean.restoreSnapshot(String name,
String path,
String cacheGroupNames,
int incIdx) |
Restore cluster-wide snapshot and its increments.
void |
IgniteMXBean.runIoTest(long warmup,
long duration,
int threads,
long maxLatency,
int rangesCnt,
int payLoadSize,
boolean procFromNioThread) |
Runs IO latency test against all remote server nodes in cluster.
void |
IgniteMXBean.runIoTest(long warmup,
long duration,
int threads,
long maxLatency,
int rangesCnt,
int payLoadSize,
boolean procFromNioThread) |
Runs IO latency test against all remote server nodes in cluster.
void |
IgniteMXBean.runIoTest(long warmup,
long duration,
int threads,
long maxLatency,
int rangesCnt,
int payLoadSize,
boolean procFromNioThread) |
Runs IO latency test against all remote server nodes in cluster.
void |
IgniteMXBean.runIoTest(long warmup,
long duration,
int threads,
long maxLatency,
int rangesCnt,
int payLoadSize,
boolean procFromNioThread) |
Runs IO latency test against all remote server nodes in cluster.
void |
IgniteMXBean.runIoTest(long warmup,
long duration,
int threads,
long maxLatency,
int rangesCnt,
int payLoadSize,
boolean procFromNioThread) |
Runs IO latency test against all remote server nodes in cluster.
void |
IgniteMXBean.runIoTest(long warmup,
long duration,
int threads,
long maxLatency,
int rangesCnt,
int payLoadSize,
boolean procFromNioThread) |
Runs IO latency test against all remote server nodes in cluster.
void |
IgniteMXBean.runIoTest(long warmup,
long duration,
int threads,
long maxLatency,
int rangesCnt,
int payLoadSize,
boolean procFromNioThread) |
Runs IO latency test against all remote server nodes in cluster.
boolean |
DefragmentationMXBean.schedule(String cacheNames) |
Schedule defragmentation for given caches.
void |
BaselineAutoAdjustMXBean.setAutoAdjustmentEnabled(boolean enabled) |
void |
BaselineAutoAdjustMXBean.setAutoAdjustmentTimeout(long timeout) |
void |
TransactionsMXBean.setLongOperationsDumpTimeout(long timeout) |
Setting a timeout (in millis) for printing long-running transactions as
well as transactions that cannot receive locks for all their keys for a
long time.
void |
TransactionsMXBean.setLongTransactionTimeDumpThreshold(long threshold) |
Sets threshold timeout in milliseconds for long transactions, if transaction exceeds it,
it will be dumped in log with information about how much time did
it spent in system time (time while aquiring locks, preparing, commiting, etc.)
void |
TransactionsMXBean.setTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient(double coefficient) |
Sets the coefficient for samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log.
void |
TransactionsMXBean.setTransactionTimeDumpSamplesPerSecondLimit(int limit) |
void |
TransactionsMXBean.setTxOwnerDumpRequestsAllowed(boolean allowed) |
Sets if dump requests from local node to near node are allowed, when long running transaction
is found.
void |
TransactionsMXBean.setTxTimeoutOnPartitionMapExchange(long timeout) |
Sets transaction timeout on partition map exchange.
void |
DataStorageMXBean.setWalCompactionLevel(int walCompactionLevel) |
Sets ZIP compression level to WAL compaction.
void |
ClientProcessorMXBean.showFullStackOnClientSide(boolean show) |
If sets to true shows full stack trace otherwise highlevel short error message.
boolean |
IgnitionMXBean.stop(boolean cancel) |
Stops default grid instance.
boolean |
IgnitionMXBean.stop(String name,
boolean cancel) |
Stops named Ignite instance.
boolean |
IgnitionMXBean.stop(String name,
boolean cancel) |
Stops named Ignite instance.
void |
IgnitionMXBean.stopAll(boolean cancel) |
Stops all started grids.
boolean |
WorkersControlMXBean.stopThreadById(long id) |
Stops thread by id , if exists.
boolean |
WorkersControlMXBean.stopThreadByUniqueName(String name) |
Stops thread by name , if exists and unique.
boolean |
WorkersControlMXBean.terminateWorker(String name) |
Terminates worker.
void |
IgniteMXBean.undeployTaskFromGrid(String taskName) |
Makes the best attempt to undeploy a task from the whole grid.