Enum ClientOperationType
Client operation type.
Namespace: Apache.Ignite.Core.Client
Assembly: Apache.Ignite.Core.dll
public enum ClientOperationType : int
Name | Description |
CacheClearEverything | Clear entire cache (Clear()). |
CacheClearMultiple | Clear multiple cache entries (ClearAll(IEnumerable<TK>)). |
CacheClearOne | Clear cache entry (Clear(TK)). |
CacheContainsKey | Determines if the cache contains a key Put(TK, TV). |
CacheContainsKeys | Determines if the cache contains multiple keys (ContainsKeys(IEnumerable<TK>)). |
CacheCreate | Create cache CreateCache<TK, TV>(String), CreateCache<TK, TV>(CacheClientConfiguration). |
CacheDestroy | Destroy cache DestroyCache(String). |
CacheGet | Get value from cache Get(TK). |
CacheGetAll | Get values from cache (GetAll(IEnumerable<TK>)). |
CacheGetAndPut | Get and put (GetAndPut(TK, TV)). |
CacheGetAndPutIfAbsent | Get and put if absent (GetAndPutIfAbsent(TK, TV)). |
CacheGetAndRemove | Get and remove (GetAndRemove(TK)). |
CacheGetAndReplace | Get and replace (GetAndReplace(TK, TV)). |
CacheGetConfiguration | Get cache configuration (GetConfiguration()). |
CacheGetNames | Get cache names GetCacheNames(). |
CacheGetOrCreate | Get or create cache GetOrCreateCache<TK, TV>(String), GetOrCreateCache<TK, TV>(CacheClientConfiguration). |
CacheGetSize | Get cache size (GetSize(CachePeekMode[])). |
CachePut | Put value to cache Put(TK, TV). |
CachePutAll | Put values to cache (PutAll(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TK, TV>>)). |
CachePutIfAbsent | Put if absent (PutIfAbsent(TK, TV)). |
CacheRemoveEverything | Remove everything from cache (RemoveAll()). |
CacheRemoveMultiple | Remove entries from cache ( |
CacheRemoveOne | Remove entry from cache (Remove(TK), Remove(TK, TV)). |
CacheReplace | Replace cache value (Replace(TK, TV), Replace(TK, TV, TV)). |
ClusterChangeState | Change cluster state (SetActive(Boolean)). |
ClusterChangeWalState | Change cluster WAL state (EnableWal(String), DisableWal(String)). |
ClusterGetState | Get cluster state (IsActive()). |
ClusterGetWalState | Get cluster WAL state (IsWalEnabled(String)). |
ClusterGroupGetNodes | Get cluster nodes (GetNodes()). |
ComputeTaskExecute | Execute compute task (ExecuteJavaTask<TRes>(String, Object)). |
QueryContinuous | Continuous query (QueryContinuous(ContinuousQueryClient<TK, TV>)). |
QueryScan | Scan query (Query(ScanQuery<TK, TV>)). |
QuerySql | SQL query (Query(SqlFieldsQuery)). |
ServiceGetDescriptor | Get service descriptor (GetServiceDescriptor(String)). |
ServiceGetDescriptors | Get service descriptors (GetServiceDescriptors()). |
ServiceInvoke | Invoke service. |
TransactionStart | Start transaction (TxStart()). |